Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I haven't been on DK for a while because I've been so busy with my boys & my doodles and life in general.  Bexter has been sick for about a week.  We just got the news that talks of chemotherapy  won't even be necessary.  He has such an aggressive lymphoma.  He has masses everywhere inside also, like in his stomach and chest.  I was told this was "worst case scenario."  My Bexter is 3 years old.  He is the love of my life.  He is MY baby.  All I could think of was to let everybody know; those of you who might remember us.  We have him on steroids to buy a week so we can at least enjoy him over Thanksgiving.  Then, he'll be gone.

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I am so sorry. I lost my Yorkie five months ago, and only then realized just how deep a part of my life that little one was. Will pray for comfort for you and your family.

That is truly shocking news, of course I remember your Bexter. I am so so sorry that this is happening. :(

Oh no....I am so sorry to here this news about Bexter. Of course, I remember all of you!! Please give him a hug from us. I cannot imagine the pain you must be in. Hugs to you, too!

Traci, I am so very sorry. Words can't even say.. will keep Bexter and you and your family in thoughts and prayers.

I am so sorry to hear this horrible news!  I simply can not imagine the pain you and your family are in.  Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and sending hugs.

I'm so very sorry, Traci. Sending hugs and lots of love to you and to Bexter.

My heart breaks for you and your family.  Hugs...

I am so incredibly sorry! Lots of prayers for you all.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I would take Bexter's remaining time to really shower him with love and affection to let him know just how much he is truly loved. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

So sorry to hear this. Your family and Bexter will be in my thoughts this holiday. He is a precious boy.

I am so sorry to hear that Bexter is so sick.  Darn it!  My daughter recently lost her malamute to something very similar - it is just heartbreaking knowing you are losing your sweet boy!  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.  . 

Traci, I remember Bexter, I am so so sorry to hear this devestating news....there are no words for this, just know that you and  your family will be in my prayers and thoughts in the upcomming days...Hugs...cheryl



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