Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've had a lot of fun making comics out of Zach's pictures. Sometimes I consider stopping, because it's a time consuming hobby. But I realize that it's just a family photo album in a different kind of way, and each picture brings back nice memories, so a worthy self-serving effort. I began putting his comics on FB a long time ago, but some of my friends aren't on FB, so I also put them on this blog:

Here is today's version.  It reminds me of a wonderful rainy day we had in Oregon.

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Oopsie.  I meant to put this in the Photography Group.  I don't see a way to change it.  Blah.

Looks like you have a lot of fun with this! I'm going to go check out more. :)

Hey, thanks for checking it out, Lyndy.  We were visiting Newport, OR when I snapped that seagull picture.  When I'm not photographing Zach, I'm snapping birds.

Oh my goodness! I love it! Love the bald seagull one. ;)

I love Doodle Days, and I love following Zach's adventures! 

Thanks Karen.  :)

I love it....I always look forward to your (Zach's) comics....keep them coming!

And you probably see too much of it in your newsfeed, Jane.  Thanks.  :)


These are great! Glad you put them here :)

Thanks for tolerating my mistake, Julie. :)

I see your comics on FB and LOVE them! I didn't know about the blog, will check it out! Thanks for all the smiles!!



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