Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I've always thought that my Tessa has unique coloring. She started life as a dark mahogany chocolate with blue eyes. I knew the eye color wouldn't stay but it was pretty cool for a while.
As she sprinted toward maturity, she faded a bit into a shaggy brown with red highlights. Her eyes turned hazel with flecks of green.
Last spring, right around her first birthday, Tessa got her first big hair cut. The coat change was in full swing and there were matts down at her skin; I opted for the "setter cut" to get rid of most of the matts. I was shocked almost to tears as I continued to cut away her beautiful chocolate hair leaving this silvery/taupe almost weimaraner color behind. (It didn't help that my husband said she looked like one of the weasels in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.)
I have accepted and even come to admire Tessa's coloring. She is a pretty cool dood, definitely has her one unique style. Before Christmas, she had a couple matted spots under her tail and on her hip. I tried to comb through the matts but finally just clipped them. Tessa decided to help and licked at them causing them to go bald. I prevented them from turning into a 'hotspot' but they were bald. As the hair grew back, it grew back dark brown? Now my goldenweimerdoodle seems to be turning into an appaloosa horse.
Now for the crazy part (if this isn't enough)...Tessa has dark hair at the skin. This wasn't there before - I know because I was always hoping that she would get dark again so I have watched for another hair change. If you look at this picture, you can see her "roots" showing through. It's like she needs another dye job.
So, my husband and son want Tessa to have another haircut (well, when it warms up ;-) ). Everyone wants to know if she will be back to our original chocolate goldendoodle. Any opinions? Anyone ever have a dog who would change colors? She'll be 2 in April. In 2013 Tessa was chocolate, 2014 brought "lavender" (the name for this color chocolate fade *I think*), what will Tessa's color in 2015 be?
What a unique beauty!
I love all the different looks, so beautiful!
She is just gorgeous! I am curious to see if others will have a similar experience with that coloring...
Our Cooper started as red , and is now getting more and more blond highlights! I can also see his roots and they are definitely lighter. I think he's cute but I am hoping he doesn't lose all his red coloring...
She's lovely! I say "Trim her"- I'm anxious to see what she will look like! "-)
Well, at least you won't get bored with her looks. They change like the weather in Texas. Most dogs tend to lighten up with age, but usually not that drastic. Enjoy.
Our Lucy started fading as a puppy as well. She was coal black as a puppy and is now somewhat Pewter colored. She also has a spot where she had a cyst that burst that came back black. It is in the middle of her back. You can follow her color transition at her From Pup to Adult link:
You can see her Black spot in this pic.
She is just beautiful no matter what her colour...just gorgeous!
Those two dark spots will eventually fade into whatever she is going to be. For some reason our doodles seem to go dark where an 'injury' happens but it eventually evens back out. Ned is an apricot and sometimes his roots seem darker and sometimes not. It is just one of the oddities I have come to expect from mixes. Chocolates always seem to surprise us with their changes. She is truly gorgeous.
Tessa really has a one-of-a-kind coat! It must seem like you have a new doodle every time you give her a cut! LOL
Pat's doodle Traveler started out as a dark brown puppy and became a gorgeous lavender. He is on the cover of the 2015 Labradoodle Calender or you can see him on her page. He's very striking too.
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