Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,

Just sending out a little PB&J and Big Mac update without the B and P. Jake and Mac are our rescues and they are coming a long way. I still think Jake is crazy and neurotic but after my post about him and all of your comments its clear Jake was brought to our family to fulfill my husband's life long dream to have his own dog. Im posting a picture of both of them. My hubby probably wouldn't like to be seen in such a "unmanly" photo but I think this shot clarifies how much he loves Jake.

As for our other rescue, Mac, he is such a doll. So well mannered. I think he will always be somewhat timid but he's really opening up to us. I bought him a orthopedic bed for his crate since I believe he does have some hip issues (vet says she sees nothing yet but I feel like this will be an issue for him). He loves hanging out with the family and sits at the kiddos feet often. The only person he lays his head on is me.  I snapped a couple pictures of him with Grace when she was eating her first French Vanilla  Macaron. So its Mac and Mac. The picture of him sleeping tugs at my heart because he finally looks content and relaxed.

Hope you all are well!

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Oh what sweet pictures! Thank you so much for the update. It really is nice to see rescues living a great life!

Does my heart so much good to see these photos of these two happy, lucky dogs. :)

Jenn ~ what a wonderful update!  Love all the photos and I am so happy to hear your DH's dream came true!  I remember seeing your post when you were considering adopted the 4th dood and I think it really was meant to be.  These two rescues lucked out for sure and it shows their resilience - really amazing what TLC can do!  Thanks to you and your family for being rescuers!


Thanks Linda. I always wanted a big family but after medical issues with my 2 kids we thought that dream was gone. Amazingly we now have 6 kids: 2 of the 2 legged variety and 4 of the 4 legged variety. :)

Yep - one big happy family!  I always look forward to your updates. 

What sweeties!

Thanks for the update!  Jake and Big Mac are indeed blessed to be with your family!

What beautiful dogs. Wonderful photos.

They both look like great doodles! Where did you rescue them from?

One was through a local rescue the other was a play date where the owner left his doodle with us...

Awww what a great story, So happy to read good news… Thank you for sharing.

Lovely! Thanks for the update!



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