So we had to get pickles a bigger crate because a large wasn't cutting it anymore. He was in a large plastic crate but I'm changing over to wire. So I got him an XL wire one. However, the flooring moves around a lot and he makes a lot of noise in it. Soooo, I put a thick pillow type mat in it. He was fine for a few days but when I went to get him tonight after the doodles after dinner crate rest time (so they don't throw up from playing directly after dinner) Pickles shredded the entire pillow! I hoping he didn't ingest any of it and I'm going to have to watch him carefully for a few day. But now what do I do about the crate floor? If there is nothing on it, he makes sooo much noise I won't be able to sleep.
Great idea, Joanne, using a rug between the crate and tray. At the time, we just used what was handy. I think I may try this. I wouldn't mind getting my beach towels back :)