Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here's a photo of our newest family member Xena :) 

She's about a little over 3 weeks in this photo. Our breeder saids she'll have a wavy/curly coat but I think her coat looks more on the straighter side. Of course we don't care which coat she'll end up with because she has already won our hearts <3 but I'm still curious to hear your thoughts :) wavy, curly or straight? What do you think?

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This was Annabelle at 6 weeks taken at the breeder. She has mostly wavy hair and a little bit of curly on her back. The top of her head now looks like she uses a crimper.This is her at 10 weeks right after we brought her home.This is her at almost 7 months. She is 8 months now. She looks the same though.

Your new little one is a cutie. Her coat does look like the 3 week old pics of Annabelle's litter.

Awwwww those pictures are just way too precious!!!! :) 

She is going to make a big change between now and the time you even pick her up at 8 weeks.  I'd guess wavey though.  Love her color.

Thank you! :) Our breeder said they'll be taking some more individual pictures next week when their about 6 weeks old. I think her coat will probably show a little more by then :) 

The waves show up on the ears first--so that is a good place to look--but breeders can tell when they are first born and still wet because a ripple shows up down the middle of the back--then it is, if you have an honest breeder, she probably knows it will be a wavy coat--but next time you get pics, take a look at the ears!

Hudson looked very similar at 3.5 weeks and then he changed into a very curly coat. 

Very cute puppy! Congratulations! 


Hard to tell, but I don't think his coat will be straight.  He's got some facial furnishings, it seems so probably will have some wave/length.

Probably wavy fleece.  Xena is a doll!

Check my page- coat texture looks very similar to my Ragley and I have pics of her from 3 weeks forward :)

We got our six week photos today!!!! :) And her coat has definitely changed from her last pics! I think its safe to rule out that she'll have a straight coat lol She is just a little ball of fluff and I can't wait to bring her home already!! Just two more weeks to go!!! 

Oh what a cutie! Pretty pretty coloring too!
Not straight then ;)

Very cute, not long now until you can bring her home!



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