Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bonnie is at the vet right now having a bite to her face stitched :(

We were walking on the beach and a man with a collie and a square-ish black dog of interminable breed were just ahead. We caught them up and Bonnie and the collie were playing and racing ahead and black dog trotted behind. Collie and Bonnie came racing back past us, suddenly there is a scream from Bonnie and black dog is latched onto her face. Man shouts, black dog lets go...thankfully.... And he catches it.

I then have to walk over 2 miles home with Bonnies face bleeding before I can call the vet.

Man said his name was Mark and gave me a cell number but although I have texted him to say Bonnie is at the vet, there has been no reply. Why am I not surprised?

Poor Bonnie. She is the worlds friendliest dog, never met a stranger yet. I hope this doesn't make her dog reactive.

Am now replanning my day to stay by the phone for when the vet rings. :(

Katie and Bonnie

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I'm so sorry this happened to you and Bonnie. I hope there won't be any lasting damage. 

JD was once attacked and bitten by a dog who got out of her yard as we were walking past; the bite wasn't as severe as it sounds like Bonnie's was, but he did have two puncture wounds and was pretty shaken up. I was afraid that he would be afraid to walk down that street again, or have some other lasting issues, but everything is the same as always in that regard.

Please let us know how she is after you talk to the vet. 

I am so so sorry, praying she gets healed quickly. Jack was attacked by a bigger dog when he was just about a year old, the dog ripped his hip out of socket, it was the worst feeling ever…. 

I had insurance on Jack but I did make the neighbor pay the part insurance didn't cover.  

Oh, no. The beach should be a place for enjoyment and fun, which is what I'm sure you had in mind when you ventured out today. How terrible for Bonnie and for you. I hope that she's not in too much pain, and that she heals up quickly without any lasting repercussions. Poor baby . . .

What a sad event. I hopeBonnie recovers in all regards. I try to always keep my cell phone with me on walks.

Poor Bonnie, I hope she heals quickly!

Bonnie is home! She has a number of small scratches/grazes...nothing to worry about.....and one big wound. It is a triangular flap cross her cheek. It is so close to her eye...we have been very lucky. This has been stapled back up, so she looks a right mess, but the vet says it should heal fine, and although it will be a bit lumpy at first, it will settle in time. At least doodles don't have their faces shaved like poodles. Once the staples are out the hair will cover the lumpy scar. At the moment her face is half shaved!

I have still not heard back from 'Mark' if indeed that is his name. This has cost me $243.30. I really think he should pay, but he may well have given me false details. On the other hand maybe he works somewhere where he cannot keep his cellphone on, so I shall reserve judgement until tonight.

But the main thing is Bonnie is OK. She is on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, and she will have to go back in a fortnight to have the staples taken out, but she will be fine. I just hope she is still her friendly self about other dogs after this.

Phew..that was not what I had planned for today!


Ohhh, poor baby! But I'm glad that she is going to be OK, and hope that "Mark" takes some responsibility.

so sorry this happened-it's so scary and upsetting.  But, glad to hear that except for your purse, all will be well with Bonnie.  And maybe the guy "Mark" will come through. sorry! But glad to hear it wasn't more serious. Hoping " Mark" makes an appearance, but don't hold your breath ;)
That's a truly horrible thing to happen. It's one of the things I fear every time we go anyplace where the boys are off leash. I hope Bonnie heals fact and has no lasting fears.
Hi Katie--I'm so sorry to hear about this. Sadie was attacked by a dog on the beach about six months ago--I didn't even see that she was bleeding for about 20 minutes so we just kept playing and then I saw the blood--she had to have a few stitches and was on antibiotics but she made a complete recovery and didn't fear the beach (or other dogs) at all afterward--or at least not more than normal. She is a cautious dog. I hope that Bonnie suffers no lasting effects from this and I'm so glad that her eye is OK! Sounds like it was close!

Oh poor Bonnie... Hope he at least pays for the damage done. Something tells me that wasn't his dogs first offense. I sure hope Bonnie recovers quickly the poor thing :( Post more updates so we can all know how well she is doing!



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