Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Harley and Casino are stars!! We got to go down to the 10tv news station in Columbus, and were being interviewed for "why a Labradoodle should be the chosen breed to have with the Obamas in the Whitehouse" It was really exciting to be there and get to do that, and Harley and Casino were so good, and very well behaved. Once they send me a copy of the interview, I will share it with you all.

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Trina that is sooooo cool can't wait to see the interview!!!! Good job girls=)
What gorgrous ambassadors for the Doodle Kingdom!
Yeaaa! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it.
How seems news stations all over are recruiting breeders and owners to share about labradoodles! How fun that you got called!
How exciting!!! Can't wait to see it! So glad to hear that they were so well behaved, too!!! :)
That is awesome! Today on Good Morning America they were really giving a lot of attention to both breeds as well as our local media. I can't wait to see your interview. It was funny how the AKC was pushing for the Portuguese Water Dog because they recognize that as a registered breed and called our labradoodles a "hybrid crossbreed" (typical snobs!) I think the Obamas are more likely to find a doodle in a shelter like they plan to, than a purebred registered dog in a shelter!
How exciting Trina!!
Hiw cute they are! As for the labradoodle being a crossbreed, Obama himself has joked that a crossbreed is perfect for him considering his background! I have a close friend with two PWD's--they are always looking for attention and are pretty demanding--I like my labradoodle a lot better! But you never know--every dog is different.
They are such beautiful representatives of our doodles. What gorgeous dogs.
this is so great!! congrats.
What beautiful proud to have your babies representing us!!



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