Mater just started to itch like crazy in the last four weeks. He's only been bathed with oatmeal shampoo (at the groomers and shampoo from the vet). Is anyone else having this problem? He doesn't shed, but we are finding tufts of hair all over the house where he has literally chewed or scratched it out. I would hate to put him on prednisone. Is this a doodle trait? Any suggestions for giving him some relief?
Moose does the same thing (mostly near his "armpits" but also on the lowe belly). It was originally only the summer, so a grass allergy was suspected. I noticed him itching again lately. I thought it might be the back packs we use when we take them on long walks. It comes and goes though, so I don't have a lot to offer. Food allergies are definitely a possiblity. I was also wondering if it was the weather changes we have been having. Has he ever itched like this before? Moose mostly itches when it's warm out. Let us know if the salmon oil is the culprit. That's supposed to be good for the coat and skin (unless they have a fish or seafood allergy). Have you noticed the benadryl making him sleepy? :)
Well, he is back on the Grizzly Salmon Oil and also on the Premium Edge Skin & Coat food, as well as the benedryl, but his is STILL itching! His coat is getting so thin in places. I suppose we should take him to the vet and have them check him. He didn't itch last winter, but he was just a puppy then. It's so frustrating. While it's better, I think it is because he's pulled all the clumps out in the itchy spots and only the shorter, finer hair is left. The benedryl might make him a tiny bit sleepy, but not so you'd notice. The other thing I've wondered about, especially in this cold, is running a humidifier. Probably worth a try.