Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello everyone! I'm the proud owner of 10 month old black doodle boy named Brisco. We had been looking into doodles for a while now when he just happened to show up, it definitely was meant to be.
He was a rehome, I was lucky that he had a great owner before its just her circumstances were changing and she had another much older dog, a toddler and going thru a separation so it was overwhelming.

He has immediately won our hearts even my fiance who was a little reserved about having a dog in the house. Now they nap on the sectional together and Brisco is a great buddy for his runs.

I haven't figured out how to change my profile yet but have uploaded some photos thru email. I was wondering what you guys thought about him being an F1 or F1b or if I'll probably never know? The previous owner didn't know there where different types when she got him so she didn't ask. Oh I forgot to mention she got him at around 3 months from another girl who underestimated caring for a dog. I hope having moved around a lot so young will cause problems later.

Even though at 10 months he has had 2 previous owners 3 including me (which is his last) he is amazing! A great personality, only thing that has came up is some hand nipping but just trying to play immediately stops when I say ouch. I've read that is pretty common at this age? He is so smart and picks up on our training so fast. I am home mostly all day and have been working on training him at home, he can sit, down, paw, drop it and stay (for a min we are working on that now). Also have a friend with an 8 month doodle for play dates. Do you think classes are a must?

Well, I could go on forever as you can see (proud new momma) but I'll stop, just wanted to introduce ourselves and a little history.

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Whitney, Congratulations...Brisco sounds like he is in good hands. While you are doing a great job with your training, I would recommend a trainer. He or she can give you tips that you might overlook and take obedience to a higher level. Given that you are home working with Brisco, the training tips learned in class can be reinforced between classes.

Finally, I am so happy that you found Doodle Kisses. This site has loads of committed owners who have great insights and who love their doodles.

Hi Whitney ~ Brisco is such a handsome boy!  The fact your are home most of the day should make a big difference in him feeling secure and confident within no time. I am of the opinion all dog owners should take at least one obedience class - it will make training your dog so much easier if you really now what you are doing.  Why not take him to a basic obedience class - it would be a great bonding experience for you and you want him to be the best he can be right!  Possibly one of your son's will want to get involved too.  It is so great if all family members on the same page when it comes to training.  I noticed Tin Woof Inn is in your area and has a Basic Obedience Class, Rally, etc.  You never know, you and Brisco might really get into training and go on to rally!   The fact he does not shed, I would tend to think he is an F1B.  Looking forward to seeing lots of photos of your beautiful boy as you progress. BTW - welcome to Doodle Kisses!

Congratulations on getting Brisco! He is a handsome doodle and very lucky to have found his way to you! Be sure to check out the Puppy Madness group. Lots of good info and support in there. :-)

Welcome!  Your doodle looks adorable.  Brisco's coat seems pretty curly, if it's non-shedding too maybe he has a genetic history of breeding with a  poodle more than once. I agree that training would be a nice bonding experience for the family and your puppy. 

Welcome!  Looks like Brisco is finally home :)  He's adorable.  I highly recommend training classes - great for training and also socializing your pup -and lots of fun.

If you can do training classes, I say go for it!  It's fun, there's always something to learn, and your pup will also learn to behave when other dogs are around.  Have fun, and keep loving your adorable rescue boy.  Three times re-homed is the charm! 

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  I would also suggest training classes as it is a great way to socialize your dog and meet other dog owners in the area.  Other owners have so much great information about dog walking areas and parks in the area.  I would also be careful about running just yet.  He is a little young.

Thank you for giving Brisco a safe secure new home.  If he is just what you wanted, it doesn't matter if he is F1 or F1b, anyway.  I don't know if even a DNA test could tell you for sure, maybe  They are $79, I think.  My two doodle boys are both multigen Australian labradoodles and full brothers and they look nothing alike, hair, body type and their personalities are very different, so I don't think there is much hope in telling by looking.  Tigger and Roo are each perfect in their own way just like Brisco is.

The advantage of classes is that he gets to practice being obedient around lots of distractions and you may pick up a tip or two. 

Have fun doodling around!!



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