Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just got back from a walk with Bodi.  We were a few blocks from home when we saw a doodle we have met just running the neighborhood.  I had spoken with her dad owner a few weeks ago. She is a young mini goldendoodle - beautiful. But this stupid man just let her out the front door to do her business. #1. Where is she pooping? Your neighbors will hate you soon! #2 Someone could easily take her. #3 She could be hit by a car.

So . . . I walked in the direction of her house, encouraging her to come with us.  Then the guy with no brains opens his front door - he has a towel to wipe her feet.  URGHHH I bit my tongue and said, "She was way down the street" and he said, "oh, thanks".

Some people should not have dogs.

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Is there animal control in your area? They will respond to a loose dog call I'd hope

And you know what, the most lackadaisical owners seem to always get lucky. If it was your or my dog, the first time off leash there would be big trouble. Shame on him for not valuing this beautiful dog.

I have a similar incident in my neighborhood.  As a matter of fact, I swore, if they ever got another dog, I would steal the dog and find it a better life.   But, that is grand larceny.   They currently have a beautiful, huge, black lab that has lived forever in a cage way out on the back on their property of 5 acres.  Which means, it is right along my property. I look at this dog when it is 15 below and cry. The old boy will rot and die in the filthy pen

So, the underage son went to Florida last spring to visit his mother and came home with a chocolate lab he bought at a pet store!  

This puppy, is not tied or even have a collar. For a time, she would take off and come over to my house and asked to be let in the fence.    One night, after an hour and a half, no one, NO ONE, came looking for her.  Sadly, I had to take her home and knock on their door. Yes, I said a few words, nicely, but I got my point across. 

Problem with my situation is the puppy is chipped. I did contact rescues and tell them my concerns.  No one will touch a chipped puppy.

My suggestion, get that dog and find it a real home if you can. If not, sadly, everyone involved will suffer.  I'm sorry, Doris 

My inlaws live next to a woman that keeps her little dog chained up all the time no matter the weather or temp. It does have a dog house. They feed it when someone remembers. Different neighbors have tried to call the police on it, but because the woman is friends with the police force nothing ever gets done. The dog used to be chained up between the houses and my mil would go over and feed him once every one left for work or school. Some how she got wind of it and moved the dog over to the other side of the house where there are no neighbors making it impossible for my mil to feed him. The poor dog just stays chained up all the time and no one ever pays attention to it. It is so sad, but the town is so corrupt that you would have to go a lot higher up than the city or county and who knows if that would even help.

I found the best thing to do in this situation is ask if you can have their dog.   Most people, dont want the ' Pain in the Arse' and would gladly unload it onto whomever asks. 

I think several different people have offered to take him, but she just keeps him. My mil and the dog owner/neighbor are not on speaking terms because she found out my mil turned her in and also for past arguments they had over the treatment of the dog.

i just don't understand why someone would have a dog just to chain it to a tree outside.


I don't either. I wonder if they just wake up one morning and say to themselves "I think I will ruin a dogs life today".

I like the idea of letting the dog follow you home and just let the pups play together for as long as it takes for the owner to go out looking for his dog.  If that never happens then you have a new darling mini goldendoodle!   If the owner is this unconcerned about the puppy just imagine how it will look as it grows up and nobody is brushing her or grooming her!!  You have to wonder if she has even been to a vet!  Poor thing!

I agree....he is an idiot! Poor dog! Glad you helped her home.

Well, you see the same thing with children.  Some people just should not have them.  But love the animals and the children when you have the chance and just hope the families realize what gems they have and change their behavior.  There really is no easy way to get around this.  Whatever you do, they would consider you the bad guy.  Look at the incidents of animals left in hot cars (well, babies have been too).  It is pathetic situations.



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