Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Last week we had our daughters two goldendoodles for a week so I packed them all up and took them to our cabin in the woods. Great right? Run free, new surroundings.....DEER TICKS!!! My two are treated so we have never seen a tick or flea in the 7 months we've owned the cabin, but my daughters dogs are not treated. (Don't ask). Her two are just littered with them and we've been pulling them out all morning. The groomer suggested Dawn bath and leave on for 20 min. so we did that. I am doing bug bombs in both of our houses today as well.
So my question often do you see dogs get very sick from tick bites? I know what they can transmit and know what to look for, I hope, but is it common for them to get sick? Considering the amount of ticks and dogs out there, I don't hear of it often. Is my head in the sand?
Any advice oh wise experienced Tick people.
After picking off all the ticks, having houses sprayed and watching children diligently, we have not seen any more ticks for a few weeks. Both dogs were tested (blood work) for Lymes and other diseases last week and all negative, with a follow up in 6 months. So now we just wait, and wait, and wait, as it can be months to years before problems can develop. Being that Marley is 8, we may think it;s just old age if he develops Lymes like issues, but now that we know there is a possibility, we will stay on top of his blood work for years to come.
Thank you all for your responses.
Daughter just informed me that their 3 year old doodle had a seizure last night. Ran around confused, peed all over, collapsed downstairs and confused. He will be going to the Vet asap, not sure what our vet does for weekends but will find out. Any advice from anyone? I'm feeling so bad for having exposed them to this danger.
Daughter took doodle to Vet today and the blood work for the major tick borne diseases were negative. Sign of relief for me, but no real answers as to the cause. So she advises wait and see, keep a journal, and if he has more then they will do more expensive blood work. The good news is he is otherwise very healthy. So we just wait and see for now. Thank you all for your comments.
UPDATE March 15,2016
Daughter's doodle had 3rd seizure since first one on Oct. 17. One on Jan 22 and another last night. She stopped Heartguard and Frontline in January, so we've ruled out that. Still in documentation stage, however, he has gone from 3 months apart to 2 months apart. I advised her to read all she can (has twin 1 yr old boys!!) on our Seizure group here and see if time between the next one is even sooner. Anyone have any reason to advise getting him on meds ASAP? Or is waiting still an option?
How scary, I hope everything is okay!
No more seizures last night, so we are now waiting to take him into the vet on monday. Thanks everyone for your concern and well wishes and I will keep you posted.
That is good news Sue. Hope all goes well today. Please keep us posted.
Good news. Hopefully things will be calm Sunday and the vet will be able to sort it out and provide some assurance on Monday. Hoping for the best.
I would put this in the seizure group if I knew how, but for those waiting to hear about my daughters doodle, he went to the Vet today and he's negative for the major tick borne diseases and we still don't know why he had a seizure. We will just wait and see for now.
That is good news. It's probably not related at all to ticks and just a coincidence. Hopefully the illness won't occur again. Thanks the update.
Could use some help getting this to the Seizure and Epilepsy Group page. Have never moved a post. Thanks.
Just copy the post and start a new discussion in the S & E Group, with a link to this one. You could then close this one if you like. If you want the responses in the new discussion, that will be harder. You could copy your updates and put those in the body of the new discussion as well. I open a second window to do this so I can go back and forth between the old and the new, copying & pasting.
Thanks Karen
My dog gets ticks frequently. She has always been on tick medication. I've tried Advantix, she got Lyme Disease while on that. Tried the Soresto collar, although she got fewer ticks she got Canine Ehrlichiosis while wearing the collar. Now I'm trying Bravecto, we just started it. I've stopped hiking with the dogs because I'm afraid of them getting ticks. I try to stick with the roads with them, which stinks. I hate ticks.
Hoping your pup feels better.
Thank Moe, we have both our daughter's dogs on frontline now and my two have always been on it and I've never seen one on them. ONe of her dogs is now suffering with seizures so we tried stopping the Frontline and Heartguard for a few months but he just had another seizure monday night. so will reinstate those meds as the cause is not the medications.
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