Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Marley is almost 8 months. Heres his before and after pictures. Do you think he's gonna look similar to his before picture when his hair grows or should I expect him to look completely different with "adult" hair?!

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He is still very cute with the cut, but perhaps you would have liked less taken off his face? I do my own grooming, and I usually just take a small amount of the face

Baby's first hair cut blues huh? :/ Marley looks great! You are one of the lucky ones for a first grooming. It takes a couple grooming sessions to get used to seeing then less furry but you will love not having to brush him as much. His fur should grow back in a couple months about the same as before. His color may fade a bit, hard to tell from the pics but he is definitely adorable.

I think he looks adorable!  It took getting used to when I first groomed Abby, but I now love the look

My guess it that his fur will grow back looking very similar if not just like it did before.  He does still look super cute.  Hadley's first cut was a disaster and I remember being so sick over it.  I specifically did not like how they shaved between her eyes...she looked like a racoon and not like herself at all!  Since then, I groom her myself because I like the puppy/teddy bear look on her.  I just bought the basic stuff and dove in.  This also allows me to trim here and there to keep her looking nice most of the time, which I like very much.  I tweak from one time to the next as I (cough cough) perfect my technique.  I will admit though, that it takes me hours to do a "big" the in between trims really help to put that off.  I do love how velvety smooth she feels when she's cut short.  I have grown to LOVE both long and short looks on her :)  

Hi there, 

I also am going through first grooming blues as they changed her look completely by shaving between her eyes! Do you remember how long it took for that hair to grow back? Curious as I cant recognize my baby anymore! I'm going to start grooming her myself now! Just wanted to know how long it will take for her to get the puppy look back!

Before and After Pics attached! 

Much Love!

OMD! He looks ADORABLE! The first cut is always a shocker no matter what. You just have to remind them not to shave between the eyes. I tell my groomer EVERY time and she been grooming mine for 4 years. She probably thinks I am crazy and obsessive ( both of those are true)! Lol!

Thanks! I will be sure to do that! Hope this grows back soon! Your pups are adorable! Daphne is a complete looker!

Thank you Divyangna! Daphne is my ❤️

Oh MY!  What a cutie cutie!  That is an excellent grooming job in MHO.  The little fur that is by his eyes will be back before you know it.  I love the way she groomed the head.  You have no idea how many times I looked in astonishment when I would pick my doodle up at the groomers.  I would think...never here again.  I was always very specific with the groomers, but they seemed to do their own thing.

Your little guy looks great...I was ready to see something really bad!  

Yes, his "mop head" picture is adorable too, but it does look like his fur was in his eyes a bit.  

Enjoy your baby.  What a sweetie.

He is adorable, and I think he will look the same as he grows.  It will get scruffy looking in less than a month! We keep our guys  fairly long  but have it cut more often.

OMD, he is absolutely adorable! Before and after look great. I don't think he will look a whole lot different than he did once his hair starts to grow back. It doesn't take that long.

I think he looks great! He'll also look a lot different after the blowdry look wears off with his old shaggy fur. That won't happen until he gets wet though. Pretty color fur!

I was freaked out at first with our doodle's first cut but now I prefer it and go really short in the summer. Much easier to keep cool, clean and much easier to dry off after beach romps! We also started giving him poodle feet cuts to deal with the foxtail issues we have in CA. He looks kind of strange but it suits his strange personality.



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