Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know we all love our doodles, but it occurred to me that I think I'm actually different than most of you. Getting a labradoodle was NOT my first choice. Heck, it didn't really even register on my top choices. Since I still live at home with my parents, I had a size requirement (which didn't really work out anyway, lol) and had to compromise. Needless to say, I absolute LOVE and adore Orwell and wouldn't trade him for anything. I just know that I probably won't get another doodle. Most of them that I've met seem pretty independent and headstrong. Orwell is not. He can be an independent thinker, but I know how to get him to do whatever I want because I know I'm at the top of his priority list. I love my velcro dog.

If Orwell wasn't in his litter, I can honestly say that I would not have a labradoodle right now. I did not particularly like his brothers and sisters. I'm sure I would have come love them eventually, but Orwell was special. I even met his new brothers and sisters and didn't really like them either. While I thought it would be pretty cool to have a girl the same color as Orwell, none of them really connected with me.

If things were entirely up to me, I would have gotten an Irish Wolfhound. I have loved those dogs ever since I met one when I was 7 years old. I was scared at first because this dog who was almost as tall as me at the time came lumbering up to say hi, but he was the sweetest thing ever. All Irish Wolfhounds I've met are like that. I must say that I don't have any allergies to dogs, and I know some of you might, which would influence your decision on a breed.

However, let's all pretend that we don't have allergies for a moment. Let's also exclude poodles, labs, goldens, bernes, and any other breeds that might make up your doodle. Under these constraints, what AKC recognized breed of dog would you get, and why?

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PeeBeeGeeVees; I ask you:

But they are not quiet dogs!

Nope. Arrrroooooo! 

And Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are also adorable and doodle-looking, and they're a great size, but like most European sheepdog breeds, not the best temperaments for a family pet. 

If I could not have a doodle I would go back to Bedlington Terriers! We have had 4 of them through the years and they are wonderful. No shedding, no smell. Sweet dogs! However they are terriers and come with the independent terrier attitude.
After our last Bedlington died my DH was so broken-hearted that I needed to find a new breed so it would not remind him of our past dogs. The funny part is.....the doodle that I chose has grown up to look very much like our Bedlingtons!
I swear that now DH loves our doodle more than any other dog we have had!

English Springer Spaniel - because we have had two and adored both. However, for where we are in our life now, a Springer is too active for us and am tired of dealing with their health issues this breed has.  I am very tempted by an English Cocker Spaniel because they look like smaller versions of Springers, but in the bit of research I have done, feel that they are probably too active for us also. :-}   My uncle had Irish Wolfhounds - one after another. He finally said he would never get another because of their short life spans.

English Setters are big, but they're supposed to be very calm and low-energy. And I think they're beautiful. 

I LOVE Engish Setters, especially the ones with splotches and freckles.  Hmmmm.. . . .

English Setters were on my short list. However, they were just over the size requirement and my parents said no. Turns out they could have just let me get one since Orwell is at an English Setters max size.

Ideally I would get a Siberian Husky - an indepent thinkger and a shedding champion.  I would also get an Irish Setter - independent thinker , shedder, tons of exercise, an English Springer Spaniel, a King Charles Cavelier Spaniel,  both prone to ear and allergy problems, an Irish Wolfhound, --can't take heat and a shorter life span, a Great Dane,  also short life span, a collie - grooming and shedding wow- and at least ten other dogs, including Airdale, Vizla, Boxer, Bichon Frise (another size exception!),   I would also have two fenced acres of dog play area done in astro turf and a lot of money to feed and care for them all.  There are many many breeds I like, but none of them are smaller than a Springer ( I would make  an exception for the King Charles, after all they are my rules).  I would also be twenty years younger.

For real,  I will probably get an older SIberian rescue or an older poodle or a doodle.  Husband has allergies, I don't have 2 acres and I am still not growing younger. 



Haha!  I like the way you think!



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