Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Quincy is 3 and has only recently begun to counter surf. We quickly learned to scan the kitchen before leaving so that the butter container is put away (got that one early on) and of course, no food items left to entice him. But the stinker has chewed up an emory board, eyeglass case, back scratcher handle, card board carton and other non edibles. I can always tell when he has been up to no good. He hides when we come home instead of greeting us at the door. Any ideas to discourage this?
I would gate him out of the kitchen.
Wish I could find a solution to counter surfing too. I have an open concept kitchen / dining area so I would need a pretty good sized, cumbersome gate and I choose not to do that. So we do keep everything off the counter and even out of sink, and in the case of non edibles, I have sprayed Bitter Apple on areas or items and that seemed to deter that habit quite a bit.
We have child protector locks on our garbage cabinet, as they have gotten into that too many times to count. I just have to remember to close it!!! I've tried the cookie pans on the edge of the counter so the noise of it falling on the tile would scare them. No help. I've used a camera and could yell "OFF" when I could catch them when we are away. The thing is, nothing is 100% fool proof and it only takes one time of them getting into something and it starts the cycle all over again.
If it's not possible to gate him out I know of some people who train with counter measures (pun intended). They will tie a desirable piece of food to a string of noisemakers such as tin cans with coins in them, etc. and allow the dog to grab the food which will then pull down the noisemakers (nothing harmful of course, just scary). You could do this while you are home or pretend to leave if he only does it when you are gone. I don't like love this idea but I know how dangerous counter surfing can be so....might be worth a try.
Oh, I forgot about that, we did soda cans with pennies in them. I've even done mouse traps! They somehow were smart enough to leave both totally alone, like they knew it was booby trapped.
Oh, those darn smart doodles! LOL!
We also have a very open concept in our remodeled kitchen/dining/den that would be too cumbersome to gate off as well. I think I will try the booby trapped cans idea. Overall, he is a timid soul and that might just work. We left some lemons on the counter the other day and he did'nt go near them.
My grown son tells a funny story about when he was 10 or so and I had put cayenne pepper on the counters to keep our mischievious big lab from stealing. He came downstairs and for reasons unknown thought it was cinnamon and took a lick. Trained him well! Somehow, I have melllowed and could not bring myself to try that tactic with Quincy.
Thanks for the ideas everyone.
Myla's never been a counter surfer (yet!) but when we first picked her up, the breeder told me that they are notorious for counter surfing and she recommended tying a string to a few pop cans with pennies in them and then tying the other end to a hot dog wiener. When the dog grabs the wiener, the cans fall down and scares them. She said it's important that the dog doesn't think it's you stopping him from counter surfing. I can see it working for a puppy, not sure about an adult dog. Good luck, because I'm sure it's hard to keep the counter clean all the time.
I understand if it's food, no dog its liklely to resist an aromatic morsel all day ---it's the plastic/leather/non edibles that perplex me!
Likewise here Lori. I can even understand partially eating a plastic wrapper with food in it, but when they are eating socks and kids toys and tissue paper, I always wonder "WTH?". I guess I've just gotten used to keeping everything put away and always happy when I don't catch Bella eating poop.
Could you not tie whatever Quincy would be likely to grab to the cans? What I found interesting is that she said it was important that the dog doesn't think it's you stopping him but something scary. Maybe a very loud noise - like a whistle (but he doesn't see you blowing the whistle?) Our neighbour used an air horn every time her puppy went near the road - her dog does not go near the road at all and he's almost eight years old.
Maybe they go after the non edibles because they're fun and the doodles are bored?
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