Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has this question come up yet? While reading the bed discussion, it made me think of Riley's bad habit. She waits until we are ready to sleep and starts chomping on her nails. Thankfully she is in her bed but it is so gross to hear. Crunch..crunch..crunch... The silver lining is that we don't have to clip nails much. :-/

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Wow. Licking your Dad's head is an odd one! The picture is great!

She does it every time he sits down!

LOL, this is a good one! What's your dad think about it?

Awe. Pippa loves him! ;)
Do any doodles go back and forth under your legs? Riley will go thru my legs, turn around and come back thru. She can do this several times. It's like a kid playing London bridge is falling down. Every few trips I grab her and scratch her face and she just stands there loving it.

Pippa does that.

Yes, Tara likes to "tunnel", as we call it! She likes to go back and forth and most of the time she will stop and get a head and butt rub! Sometimes she just stays there for a long time or sits down, which I call "sitting on my underlap". :)

Oh my, I forgot, but Gracie does this too! She stops so that we can scratch whatever end is sticking through our legs!

Daphne likes to grab my pants leg when I walk. I know I should have made her stop that long ago but it just makes me laugh. She is pretty strong for such a small girl. Sometimes she catches me off guard and almost kills me.

They do make you stay on alert.
After Riley goes potty she will jump around tugging and chewing on the leash. I know it's bad but she has such a blast I let her do it a little before stopping her. Gotta live life, right!

Winnie must swallow a lot of air. And, what goes in must come out, right? :-)   So, QUITE frequently, when she sits down, she squeaks out an odorless "toot." And, we aren't talkin' just a short little toot. It is always super high pitched and long..... squeeeeeeek!  Part of her "house manners" is to have her sit for her food, a treat, before going outside, etc. So, it always cracks us up when she is being so nice and obedient.... prim and proper... and then..... sqeeeeeeeek! 

Awe, poor Winnie. Sometimes a girl just has to toot. :-)



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