Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Winnie came home from the breeder with a very dirty vulva. We bathed and clipped that area as best as we could and then took her to the vet. She definitely had vaginitis and even a urinary tract infection. When I informed the breeder of this, all I got in return is "that is common". No other response. 

I have always adopted/rescued our dogs, so when we decided we were going to purchase a puppy, I made sure to do so much research on reputable breeders that my head was spinning when I was done. Everything seemed so up front and the breeder was very nice. We picked Winnie up from her home and their place was clean and odor-free. 

But I did notice that the entire transaction the day of was so business-like that it felt cold and impersonal. Once we got Winnie home, I had questions and when I spoke to the breeder over the phone, she was defensive and instead of helping me to understand the breed, I was spoken to like I was a complete idiot. I have worked as a veterinary technician for 20+ years and understand animal health. But I am still learning about this little puppy and after hearing nothing about how well-bred these puppies were, I figured that our breeder would be the best source for information.

I guess I was wrong. So, my question for other doodle owners that have purchased from a breeder is a urinary tract infection really THAT common in puppies? I didn't think so as the thousands of new puppies I have had contact with over my career did not all have a UTI. I know that with large litters it is hard to keep everyone clean, but wouldn't you want your puppy to go home to the new owner NOT filthy?

Should Winnie have had her dew claws removed? I wasn't sure if that is the standard in goldendoodles (or any other doodle)? We could have it done when she is spayed, but then it becomes a more involved surgery that has a longer and more painful recovery, where if done right at birth, it is a simple procedure.

Also, has anyone else had experience with a breeder that basically washes their hands of the buyer after the purchase has taken place?

In the end, none of this matters as Winnie is with us and is getting healthy with her antibiotics and being kept super clean. She is a loving and intelligent dog. I am just so frustrated and sad that it seems like these people do not care where their dogs go. I feel foolish for purchasing from them as I thought I had done my research. They had all the proper licensing, a clean facility, a great website, were easy to talk to prior to the sale, and even have a wonderful social media presence with great reviews.

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I am a guardian home for a breeder and we had a litter of goldendoodles here this fall.  I have to say that we kept those puppies scrupulously clean - I even steamed the floors of their whelping box and ex pens daily!  We did not do dew claws.  My GD came to me at 10-11 weeks with hers on and no problems yet.  She did have some puppy vaginitis pointed out to me at various checkups when she was very young but they did not test for anything and she's been free from symptoms/discharge since about 6 months age.

We had a vet come to the house to check the puppies as I didn't want to take my healthy puppies to a vet office and risk picking up something there.  He marveled at how clean and healthy and good-tempered my puppies were, and how clean their play yard was.  BUT two of them had puppy vaginitis!  He wasn't worried and just mentioned it but said it's so common.  He said it can cause a UTI and just to watch for any symptoms.  He said they will outgrow it with age and maturity.  I bathed them very regularly too.  There haven't been any reports of UTI from the breeder so far (puppies went to homes earlier last month but I like to see how they're doing!).

I just want to reassure you that it doesn't necessarily mean your puppy was poorly cared for or always dirty!

Not normal. Both our puppies were clean when we picked them up. They were bathed and the breeders were friendly and professional. The dew claws were intact for both but they were neutered and spayed. You should write a review for the breeder if you can so others can be saved the stress you had to go through.

I have two that have no dew claws and one that does. Dew claws have not caused her any problems. I would guess that unless you will be running around hunting in the woods, maybe there is very little risk for having them get torn. After reading about the procedure I don't think I would ever have that done deliberately.

One more thought - twenty years ago I had a dog with dew claws who had them removed at spaying - around 8 mo.  Hers were "flappy" if that makes sense and the vets said they recommend removal only when they are really loose like that because they can catch on things and rip (ugh!).

She came home with bandages from her front paws to elbows but didn't seem to be in discomfort.  We unwrapped her bandages after a few days and she had dissolving stitches where her claws were.  I'm glad I had it done as they felt so unstable for lack of a better word.  My goldendoodle's are "firm" and fixed if that makes sense.

But no, I don't think the way your breeder is acting is normal at all.  I too would write a review if there's a place here to do so.  



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