Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Raise your hand if you think you'd come to a Doodle Romp in Walla Walla

I've been looking at hosting a Doodle Romp in Walla Walla since sometime last year.  Original discussion here was getting too complicated, but feel free to read through for history.

I would like to see who would come if the doodle romp date is June 23/24 -- this is a Thur/Fri so those who want to stay for the weekend are welcome to do so.  And the only planned "event" will be some planned dog park time as a group and perhaps impromptu "Let's go for a walk here!"

Please raise your hand by posting your interest level ONLY IF you think you can make it. 

Tell me if you are in the For Sure or Thinking About It category.

DO NOT respond if you can't make it. 

I only want a YES/Maybe count for a doodle romp set for June 23/24 -- it will likely be warm (mid to high 80s with historical high as high as 100-something) but you never know. 

Lodging info here:  Walla Walla Travel & Lodging Info


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I do not remember if we said yes! Count us in!

This a verrrry long thread. My head hurts. Any chance we can separate detailed discussions out of the general replies about this? Make information to those of us who have committed more centralized? Just sayin'...

Adina, I'd like to make my reservations if possible.  Are the June 23/24 dates set?

Do your reservations cost you? If not go ahead.  If they do, then give me the weekend and I think I will make a final decision by then.  Maybe sooner, but just in case.

I'm sure I can wait - just want to get my ducks in a row!

OKAY EVERYONE.  As long as nobody expects a house party at my house ;-) ... let's make June 23/24 OFFICIAL!!!

Yay...I committed. 

Yay! I'm going to make my reservations. Where are you going to stay, Nancy? Would be nice to be at the same RV park.

I am calling the Four Seasons.

I made reservations there too. We will be next to each other.

That will be fun!

Looking less likely as the puppy will probably not be available until the end of July.  It is four months from breeding and the mother has not come into heat yet.

Where are people staying? It would be fun to stay in the same hotel as other doodles.

Also - I am driving from Seattle (4hrs to Walla Walla). Anyone interested in car pooling. Could be fun too.



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