Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have been waiting months for this!  Today is Doodle Day!  We are going to our breeder's house and picking up our 8 week old Doodle!  We do have pick of the litter so it is going to be a hard choice.  The kids are so excited as well am I!  As soon as I have pictures, I will post a few!


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So adorable, he kind of looks like my Annabelle at that age.

Adorable!  Congratulations.  Love his name!

So, so precious! Love his name.
Congratulations! So cute and precious. Enjoy the time now because they grow so fast!

Very very cute!  Enjoy!

Be still my beating heart!!
So adorable! We are getting our doodle two weeks from hard to wait! How did you end up deciding? Have his looks changed a lot These past few weeks? Its been two weeks since my breeder posted photos. I'm getting antsy!

He grew a bit since his 5 week picture.  He is around 11 pounds now, the biggest of the litter.  Seymour chose us actually.  He was the only one of the litter to come up to us and our children, and stayed with us while the other puppies were playing.  So far he is adjusting nicely.  He ate and drank this evening...the breeder said he may not eat today.  He's gone potty outside twice.  He has a slight issue with humping but we will work on that.  He loves the attention, and is super sweet!

Congratulations. Do enjoy this puppy time. He's adorable!

Congratulations! Seymour is a handsome little gentleman. :-)

Since he came right up to you, he sounds like you did get the pick of the litter!  Congratulations!  The only thing more exciting than bringing home a new human baby is bringing home a puppy.  Enjoy.

OMG ~ Seymour is a doll!



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