Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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I dont' have this adding a picture to a discussion completely down pat.  Somehow I had to add the discussion part separately.  This is Roo helping me garden.  He has been a passionate "gardener" since he was a small puppy.  He "helps" by dropping the bone very near where I am working, over and over and over, sometimes on me - usually my head.

I have learned to keep the bone retrieval going on or he starts really helping, climbing on me flowers, whatever to call attention to the bone.  You notice Tigger is nowhere to be seen.  This was a few days ago when it was quite hot here and Tigger was laying in the shade - he is not so fixated on bones and retrieving them.

Roo seems to be an excellent gardener given the results. Calla trims grass a lot and Luca does some pruning, not necessarily where I'd want it.

Ha! I love how Roo just drops his bone wherever and waits for you! Jack and Jilly wait for the empty flower pot containers and run all over the yard with them! Here's Jack in action when he was a puppy! I think they pretty much like to get in on the action no matter what's going on! Happy gardening!

How cute!

That is so adorable.  He looks really pleased with himself.

Love the picture Maryann. 

Haley is my garden helper.  He does the same thing with his ball.  He also trims grass on occasion and helps with vegetable harvesting on his own (this we try to discourage).

That is darling. Roo is an adorable helper.
To add a a discussion you click on add (like you did), do your writing, click on the picture icon and add your picture. To see if it all works, you can click on preview. If it is okay close preview and submit the discussion. It should all work together.

Thanks Nancy.  I did it backwards - picture first and then writing, I did not know it mattered which was first.

Hopefully I will remember now that I know

This afternoon (being Mother's Day) I was inside "reading"; it is more challenging with your eyes closed. DH and doodles were doing fierce battle with the bamboo between us and a neighbor.  In case you don't know ordinary bamboo, not the tame little clumping kinds you can buy now, but the real stuff that can be made into floors and clothing, is fiercely invasive.

DH has been on a campaign since we got here to keep it within it boundaries.  I am unsure what those boundaries are, but DH apparently is quite clear.  With the doodles help  he managed to unearth a ten foot root.  There were "baby" bamboo plants at every node, but they were lost in the battle.  Only the two in the photo survived to be photographed.

I was routed from my "reading" to photograph the victory.  Here is the picture. 

I understand it is quite a challenge to keep that kind of bamboo from taking over.  Kudos to you DH and the doodles for their efforts.  Perhaps adopt a Giant Panda?  : )



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