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Just so everyone knows I received a spam email through doodlekiss.

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I have a screenshot but don't think I can post it.

If it was Abiola Bawuah, it was a financial scammer who was also impersonating the real Abiola. Adina has already removed that person from DK's website.

I received this as well.

Ya, that's her.

Don't worry. Your email address hasn't been compromised. The notification came directly from DK to let you know you had a comment or message from another DK member - in this case, the scammer.

Yup, it wasn't an email directly from the spammer.  It was merely a DK notification email that included the comment the spammer left on your page. 

I got the same notification. This is the 2nd spam from my profile info. I don't like this!!

It looks like Adina has already banned the person from DK, and the message is gone. 

I just got a new spam and I'm not to sure how to report it

On the right hand side of the bottom of this page, and every page on DK, in the orange area, it says "Report an Issue". Click that and you can send a report to the DK admins. It help is you include a link to whatever you are reporting; in this case, the person's profile who spammed you. 

Thank you, that helps. This time it was "Dora."



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