Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am broken. My heart literally aches. Four months ago our Abby, who was only 8, was diagnosed with mast cell and lymphoma cancers. Last monday we said goodbye to her for the last time. I am so lost! I hurt. Did I say I am broken? She was so very loved and she is missed even more. I  hear her sigh, I feel her watching me and turn and she's not there. I miss my sweet baby girl.

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I hope it brings you some small comfort, as it has for me.

I am so sorry to hear about Abby. It is just hearbreaking. I echo the others who say when you are ready, nothing heals the heart like a puppy. I imagine that if our dogs could talk they would want us to celebrate their lives, not mourn them. Abby knew how much she was loved. 

Denise ~ I am so sorry for your loss.  Many of us on this site an sympathize - it just tears a hole in your heart.  There is a Rainbow group on this site for members who have lost their sweet companion.  Our first Doodle (Charlie) helped heal our hearts after our loss of our standard poodle.  Your Abby was such a beautiful girl.

Sorry to hear this Denise. My first doodle Murphy is 8 on Dec 18th. (my birthday too) so I can imagine how it feels that Abby was just too young to leave you.  But I have to think, like I do when faced with a human death, how very lucky I was to have had that person in my life, no matter the amount of time I had them.  She will always be alive in your heart

I'm so sorry for your loss, Denise.

I am so sorry for your loss. I know that empty feeling when you enter your house and that being that has been a big part of your life is just gone. No matter how many dogs we have in our lives, each and every one holds a place in our heart. And that memory never dies.

I'm sorry to hear this Denise.  [[[[HUGS]]]]

Thank you all for your kind and supporting words. It has been comforting to have your kind words to read. It has meant a lot to me. I know that I will see her again, because I know that as much as I love her, she loves me more.  It has been 2 weeks today that she left us. Each day gets a little easier. I do know that we will be getting another doodle... one that doesn't look like Abby tho... when the time is right. Yes, she was a beautiful girl with a heart to match. She was a calendar girl, I think for the first ever Doodlekisses Calendars. :-)

Again, thank you all for your heartfelt thots. I so appreciate you.

You will love again - when the time is right.  Hugs and slobbery kisses.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard, we love them so much!

Hi Denise, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family will be comforted by all the sweet memories you have of your sweet baby girl, Abby.  My Cooper has been sick since August and he had been through a lot of tests, biopsies,  surgery, blood transfusion and all sort of very powerful antibiotics and steroids. We almost lost him once when he was at the hospital for a surgery and I was a total wreck! To this day, after seeing all vets and specialists they don't have a diagnosis for Cooper's illness.  It's very hard for us to see our baby sick. 

I am so sorry. I know first hand how awful it feels to be totally helpless. Just know that regardless of whats to happen, Cooper knows you love him. And any choices you make with love in your heart can never be wrong. My thoughts are with you all.



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