Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have been looking at different types of dogs. I wouldn't buy a dog based on price but I am noticing that Doodles are quite expensive. I've seen them range from $2500-$3500. Is this standard or does it vary regionally? I'm on the East Coast.

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We got our doodle near Pittsburgh, PA and paid $1.8k for her last year. However I see that our breeder increased their price to $2k.

That's the market, Michelle...and a quality breeder will charge more.  And as I have noted elsewhere on DK, demand seems to have exploded in the last year...word of mouth.....referrals....etc.  Prices have risen because of the extra demand AND also because, as a few breeders explained to me, they really want to cut down on their Wait Lists and raising prices is a way to do it. 

I would also note that if you find a dog or breeder you REALLY LOVE and the price gives you a bit of sticker-shock....take the difference versus a "cheaper" breeder.....divide this sum over 15 years of dog life....and it probably is $100 or so per year.

The way I look at it, that's 1 or 2 nights at a good Thai or Sushi place that I am sacrificing. :-)

Me, I'm happy with the trade-off even if some people think I was nuts for paying up for Teddy.  LOL

For a doodle puppy from a reputable breeder who does genetic health testing on the parents, you are going to pay a minimum of $1800; for an ALD, the minimum is going to be $2500. That's the market, as Frank said, the law of supply and demand. It is what it is. You can get a purebred from a true champion breeder (there are NO champion doodles, no matter what nonsense you read on breeders' websites) with health tested, structurally perfect, temperamentally sound parents, a 3-5 year health warranty, and a guarantee of size, coat, etc. for considerably less, but the marketing hype for doodles has driven the prices. 

Karen, I would add that the increase in demand for the Minis/Toys has also probably impacted the pricing on Standards.  Lots of people want a smaller dog (the Minis) because they have kids and/or don't have alot of living space and/or a yard.  But if you raise the price on 1 particular dog within a breed it impacts all of them, even though you can make a case that it shouldn't.

I can't tell you how many people asked me about Teddy when he was only a few months old, even today when he is older but still very small (~12 pounds or so).  

If I had $1 for every person who came over to me and asked what kind of dog was Teddy and other questions....I'd have enough to pay for his purchase !

I've been around the doodle world for 11 years, and the prices for all sizes have always raised eyebrows. In the beginning, there were a lot more standards than minis, and the prices then as now were very high. I truly don't think that the price of the minis has impacted the price of the standards. 

Keep in mind that if someone wants a low-to-non-shedding small dog, the options are endless.You don't have to get a doodle, you can get any number of purebreds. That's not the case for large non-shedding breeds. Very few options. That makes the standard doodles more desirable to many people who want a large dog, and lots of people still do want large dogs. (Which are typically actually better with kids than small dogs, BTW).  Little Poodle mix dogs are a lot more common than big Poodle mix dogs, lol. 

I could say the same about the number of people who have asked me about Jack, lol, especially because he is large and unusual looking, and I'd bet that's true for all the standards here. 

Yup, like I said, I was introduced to the breed by owners of Minis, not Standards.  But I'd say of all the Doodles I have met, 1/2 were Standards and 1/2 were Minis.  Only 1 Toy met so far !!

And you are dead-on about large Doodles having less competition for shedding purposes.

I work for a breeder in Massachusetts--we sell a lot of pups to the Boston area and Rhode Island/CT. Her prices are normal for a quality pup in this area, but some would see it as a high price--however, I am fully aware of her finances and how much of the puppy price is profit--believe me, it is not much....So, let me tell you, in general, what goes into the price of a quality puppy--this is good info for everyone to know.

A breeder that charges less may have several kennels full of breeding dogs and their pups who get little to no human interaction--this kennel may be in a garage or an outbuilding. A quality breeder will have one litter at time in their homes and the pups will have lots of socialization and training before they go home. This cuts down on the profit, but that is what a quality breeder does.

A breeder that charges less may breed dogs that have not had full or any health testing--they may be passing on genetic issues to their offspring. A quality breeder will test a breeding dog multiple times--hips need to be tested only once, but other tests need to be done annually to be sure there are no changes. This is very expensive.

A breeder that charges less may not care about the temperament or coat type of the dog they have chosen for breeding as the dog matures. A quality breeder will spay or neuter that dog that shows signs of having a less than satisfactory temperament or coat type--thus spending a lot of money on the testing and raising of that pup without producing puppies to offset the cost. 

And then there are the vet costs--a quality breeder will spend hundreds of dollars on reproductive vet bills and will drive many miles to get to that specialist so that their dogs get the best of care.

A quality breeder will also be honest about a pup that might shed and will offer a discount from their higher price, whereas a less careful breeder will just sell the pup and let the buyer beware.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea--you get what you pay for!

So very well said, Ginny.

Nine years ago, Ned's breeder listed her dogs - mini multigenerational ALDs for $2,500.  NINE years!

Thanks for the feedback, Ginny...very informative.

Bottom line, you get what you pay for in the doodle world, as in the real world.  I research everything to death, and when all the facts align, as all mentioned here, by a good breeder, then it was money well spent when it comes to peace of mind that my pup was given the best possible start and care from the parents on down.  Doodles are expensive and not just at the initial outlay.  Considering you will want the best foods to protect your investment, regular vet care and consistent grooming, you are adding more expense yearly as well with having a doodle.  So basically it comes down to what you can afford and can afford for 12 years of more.  Having said all that, I would easily give up something else to pay a good breeder and have this wonderful breed in our lives. But it was a good question as there is a bit of sticker shock when first researching. Good luck.

I've mentioned this before, but when people ask me how much I paid for Sawyer I always respond, "Not nearly enough."  :-)  

That's the best answer to that (very rude) question I've ever heard!!! 



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