Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Important to know and pass on to those who might be looking for a puppy--you can check your state. As most of us know, the "What to Look for in a breeder" resource here on DK and the list or reputable breeders is the way to go--but the more people that know about these horrible puppy mills, the better.
Thanks for posting this, Ginny.
It's important for people to understand that in most cases, these mills are not selling puppies directly to the public. They are selling them in pet stores, through puppy brokers, and through internet ad sites.
Pet stores are self-explanatory. many people, however, are not familiar with puppy brokers. Here is the website for a puppy broker in my area, who specializes in non-shedding breeds and mixes. Looking at the website, you would never know that these pups come from puppy mills like the ones in the HSUS report Ginny posted above. I've had lots of personal experiences with this broker and many of her clients, all of whom thought they bought their pup from the breeder. Unfortunately, I've met many of these people in vets' offices:
Internet ad sites are exactly what they sound like, and I have yet to see a reputable breeder advertising puppies for sale on one. They are almost always puppy mills and BYBs at best. Here is one of the worst, formerly known as "Purebred Breeders LLC"; after they were exposed nationally as an online puppy mill brokerage, they changed their name:
It would seem that once you know what it means to buy from a reputable breeder, all the rest of this stuff would seem incredibly fishy! Right? I mean if you consider a reputable breeder wanting to screen buyers, wanting to keep pups in the house, why in the world would they ever sell to a "broker"? Not to mention no mention of parent dogs, how they were raised, genetic testing on parents, etc.
Good information! I saw the article this morning! Very sad, somehow this has to stop, but unfortunately this is a huge problem. Bringing awareness to the issue is so important! My heart breaks for all these pups being treated like this.
Missouri was shocking to me. They had 19 out of the 100. Thanks for sharing this.
Missouri is the puppy mill capital of the USA by a wide margin, and has been for many, many years. We had a discussion about the MO puppy mills here years ago, but it's still good important info for all dog owners & prospective owners:
I didn't know they were that bad. I figured PA would be the worst. Thanks for the link, it was before my time here.
The Amish mills in PA have gotten a lot of publicity, but MO has more than PA and OH combined.
Years ago, when I was naive and uninformed, I fell in love with a Wheaten Terrier at a Mall pet store--he was pretty wild and was so big for his breed, they had a sale price on him! I went home and thought about it and went back and got him--his "papers" listed the breeders as being from Missouri.
Being an experienced person with dogs, I was able to work with him, but he always had a few screws loose in his little brain and was almost 60 pounds, where Wheatens usually top out at 45. As the years went by and I heard about puppy mills, it all made sense.
Thanks so much for posting this. We all need to be reminded that internet brokers and pet stores get their dogs from these places. Papers mean nothing. People can be fooled by 'nice' websites if they don't check for accuracy. A friend once asked me to check out a breeder for her. I google-earthed the address and it showed a building in the middle of nowhere that looked like a semi loading and unloading place.
I am from Missouri, and this makes me ashamed. I cannot understand how anyone can do such things to any living thing.(Mosquitos and flies notwithstanding!) When I searched for an ALD in Missouri - there were only 2 in the whole state that I completely trusted. Of course their price is higher, and I think that makes people look elsewhere. If they only would consider the potential for far more expenses in the long run.
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