Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm very sorry, Star.
There are many books that are designed to help children with the loss of a pet. Amazon has a whole section devoted to them. Reading the books together and talking about them can help a lot. Here's the link:
I am glad that you think so. I hope that you and your daughter find the perfect project to work on together to help some animals in need.
So sorry to hear of your loss of Riley. You are doing all the right things - it is just so heartbreaking to lose a member of your family and generally just a very difficult time for all. Wishing you and your family peace of heart.
Have you considered counseling? She could get some help with this that will serve her for a lifetime.
Oh... this is such a hard time for both of you. My heart goes out to you. I think that time will help both of you. Your daughter may be reflecting your grief also. When you are ready, getting a new puppy helps a lot if that is an option. When I was seven both my grandma and my Lou died within days of each other. I was very upset and a new puppy about four months later really helped. It was clearly explained to me that the new puppy would not replace Lou, but would add to the love in my heart for dogs. It also helped me understand that dogs do not live as long as we do and death is a very very sad part of life, must be accepted.
May peace enter your heart again.
Sounds like you and your daughter are grieving in a healthy manner already. My husband would add, "time...and a new puppy would fix that." That's exactly what we did.
Our Yorkie/Pomeranian mix "Harvey" didn't make it a year(died this las February), and we held off telling our daughter, who was away at school at the time. In the two weeks before we broke the news, we eventually came up with an idea to lighten her grief. We searched our local area for Schnauzer puppies, but there weren't any to be found. After the fruitless search, the idea came of getting what we've always wanted - a goldendoodle! It was strange that that wasn't our instant choice even though we had often admired them.
We searched the net to test the waters on how a search for this wonderful "breed" would fare. We then called our daughter, and broke the terrible news. As expected, she didn't take it well, and we all cried together. Shortly thereafter, I told her that there was a "light at the end of the tunnel." She asked what that was, and I told her we were getting a goldendoodle puppy. I told her that we wanted her be a big part of the search, and her grief instantly lifted.
A search for the perfect goldendoodle consumed her and my husband for hours a day, and that process finally led to us picking up our goldendoodle this next Saturday. We still miss our little man, and we will NEVER forget him. "Winslow" won't replace Harvey, but she will be an added blessing to our family.
I know similar stories play out like this all of the time, but this was our story. I wish you and your family well.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am sorry for your daughter, too. It sounds to me like you are doing all the right things and the rest is just going to take time.
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