Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are close to picking a puppy. I have two good breeders I'm looking at, however one offers a 1 year warranty (full refund), extended to 2 years with NuVet purchase. I know I've seen some discussion before on here about concerns over requiring the purchase of vitamins for your warranty. I'm not planning on purchasing the vitamins if we choose this breeder. The breeder otherwise has all good points I've been looking for. The other breeder I'm looking at offers 2 year warranty straight up. Both have documented health testing. Long story...would requiring the NuVet purchase for the extra warranty make you not consider this breeder? She also feeds life abundance food (and we would have to purchase some of this initially when we get the puppy till transition.) Is a 2 year warranty definitely a must? My previous dog had only 1 year, but didn't have issues. Thanks for your feedback!

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Anything less than a two year warranty (with no vitamins, food or other strings attached) would be a deal breaker for me. 

I agree--I think this person must be getting a kickback from NuVet?  Not  cool and would make me mistrust them.

Nu Vet is sold through the same pyramid scheme as Life's Abundance; MLM tier commissions paid to the breeder. 

Exactly what are you going to do with the warranty? Give your dog back for the money back? Not likely unless puppy has just been with you a short time. The vitamin deal is a deal breaker for me, just sounds unethical.

This breeder offers a full refund of purchase price with genetic health issue. Other than the vitamin deal, she fits all the points I was looking for in a breeder, as well as the recommendations that doodlekisses posted several months ago and is GANA recommended. I really don't feel this breeder is trying to hide anything, maybe just really believes in the vitamins? Or just needs extra money from commissions of vitamin sales. LOL. I agree, I am not pleased that she would tie it to a health guarantee though. That would probably be only holdup with going with her. She has been very open and communicative. I have not asked about the vitamin thing yet though. 

Requirements to feed Life's Abundance and/or use NuVet vitamins for the warranty to be valid is simply a way for A) the breeder to continue to get money out of you as that is the way the sales of those items work; or B) a way to invalidate a warranty so they wouldn't have to pay up.  If I decided to use that breeder, I'd skip even considering getting anything from the warranty - but then I feel that for the most part, warranties on anything are useless.  I would want to see the health testing certificates for the parent dogs for any puppy I would consider.

I have to agree with Nancy on the warranty thing.  In my experience warranties are ninety percent useless, the other ten percent may help partially.

There are a few people here whose dogs were diagnosed with HD within the warranty period, and who had the subsequent surgery. That $2000 refund comes in mighty handy when you are looking at a $5000+ surgical bill. 

 I know a couple of them, Karen, and I am sure they appreciated having that warranty.  I think because rescues don't come with warranties, I am less worried about their possible helpfulness than health tests on parents of a puppy I purchase.

My breeder gave a two year warranty and to me that meant she stood behind the health of her dogs, even though nature is not always perfect. When my guy was diagnosed with HD at 22 months, despite the testing of the parents, she honored her policy and returned the purchase price in full. We both would have rather had a pup with healthy hips  but her concern and support meant as much to me as any refund.  I would prefer not to have anything tied to NuVet.

Agreed. And that was my other concern as to when hip dyplasia really shows up. I've read varying articles on the age and diagnoses. Going to talk to my vet today about everything and get her thoughts. As well as show her the health testing of the parents.

HD can show up at any time but the OFA requires that a dog be at least 2 years old for a final determination.  I don't remember the age for PennHip scores.  HD can skip generations, so you can have 2 dogs with great hips and still get a puppy with a genetic problem (infrequent but it happens). A health guarantee that agrees to refund the price of your pup but does NOT require you to return the pup is what you look for.  Then buy health insurance!  I'm guessing that you've read "what to look for in a breeder" here. Personally I want someone who breeds for health AND temperament.  I traveled to meet my final "choice" and met some of her breeding dogs, and grown "pups." I saw where/how her pups were raised and met her family.  I asked for references and took special note of offspring that were working as therapy dogs.  I like a breeder who wants to know as much about you as you do about them because they want a good fit for their pups and a forever home.  I also wanted a breeder who would always take my dog back and treat him well if something were to happen to me.  I guess, in short, I wanted a breeder who loved her dogs as much as I would love mine -and they are out there. Good luck with whoever you choose.



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