Murphy loves frisbee....and tennis balls. And that is my standard "wear him out" exercise. As a matter of fact, at the last agility trial (bear in mind we have only been to 2) I used the frisbee to wear him out so he could focus. My son is a golfer, and that works too.
When he was younger we would take him outside and tell him "Go Murphy, Go Murphy" and he would do zoomies around us, usually in figure 8's, trying to get as close as possible when he did his "fly by".
Yeah, we had to start taking golf balls and tennis balls away from Cody because he'd destroy them and eat them. His frisbee has lasted quite awhile, though.
By the way, I love the fact that you said Lundi Gra since it's actually Monday. I get really annoyed by people who have Mardi Gras celebrations on Saturdays. Mardi Gras means Fat TUESDAY! Sorry, that was my little rant! Happy Mardi Gras (in 2 hours)!
Permalink Reply by Ali on February 23, 2009 at 9:00pm
There is a Chunk It (I am not sure if it is that brand) for golfers! Except it is very rare in pet stores. So instead of throwing it over hand you do it under hand, but there is a possibility it could ruin your golf swing... I'm not sure, I have been looking for them for a while.