Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The reason my DH didn't want another dog is because - "Now we can finally come and go as we want and we'll have to worry about the dog." How did you all get passed that comment. I'm now getting the second dog and I'm still getting it. I've had Fergie for almost a year and it has not been a problem. I said - Honey I don't see you sweeping me off anywhere very often. What do you all do with dog when you're gone?

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Where did you hide the hidden camera? We that that exact discussion the year before Samantha found us. We kept dicussing all the travelling we were going to do but alas, never did. We did though have a wedding for our daughter and I decided to play golf which became a full time second 'job'. I didn't love the club we belonged too so much so I had DH rescind my membership. Samantha became my 3rd 'full time job'.
You know that we drove to Florida so Samantha could be with us. If DH & I were to take a vacation somewhere she could not go with us, I am able to have my daughter stay with her. If it was to be a family vacation then I would find one of their friends to come and stay out our home to be with her. We did that when we had our Beardie, I stocked the house with the foods they loved and paid them $100.00 to live in my house while we were gone. I am sure that I would be paying more than that since the last time we did that was 1999. Inflation!!
Truthfully, I have no interest in a vacation that Samantha couldn't go with us. I am not a sightseer and I am lay to the pool kind of vactioner. The only 1 place that is on my Bucket List is Israel. Someday........
we camp alot. i have a camper i keep at myrtle beach & we bought a popup for weekend camping around home. so my 4 legged kids go with us!!! camping really wears them down!!!
Same with us in southern Maryland. For the human-only vacations, like our anniversary cruise to Bermuda a few weeks ago, our pet sitter that plays with our Doods at lunch while we're at work came by 4 times a day to play with and feed them. They stayed in their own home and were at no risk of any kennel germs or anxiety. It's pricey but at their ages, our Doods are still impressionable.

ZEKE IN HIS SEATBELT -----So far we have taken Zeke with us (before we got Lily). Last Oct. we took him to New Mexico to see our daughter and her family for a week. This was a 2400 mile trip and Zeke did just great. He was 7 months then, never got car sick, rode like a trooper, did great with his potty breaks. We stayed in pet friendly hotels, stopped at rest stops to exercise and potty. The only thing I have a complaint about is that eating required us to eat a lot of fast food or bring carry-out back to our room. We have been talking about taking both of them camping when it gets a little warmer. They are both doing pretty good off leash so that should be fun. They love to run on trails in the park near us and Lily gets in the water every chance she gets, so somewhere with a lake would be fun.
I need to get this seat belt contraption for our doodle. Can they lie down in the car when this is on them? We plan on driving to Florida and it is about 1700 miles.
We drove the 1200 miles in 3 days. Where are going in Florida? We have been in Miami Beach for the past 5 weeks. If you are going to be in this area, I will give you the places to go, etc.
I didn't bring Samantha's seat belt with us. She slept across DD legs most of the way - I drove. I love driving when everyone is alseep - I get control of the radio!!
We will be going to the gulf coast-Naples area-not until the fall now-we want to look around for rentals for next winter where we want to spend at least a month to six weeks next year. These Canadian winters are too brutal for me. From what I see on the internet, lots of places will allow dogs.

They can lie down while strapped in and move about some too but not too much. I purchased this one at Pet Smart.
Yes I see now that they can lie down-I will go to Petsmart.Thanks. Where did you get that sweet plaid seat cover? I have looked for something like this but could only find "bucket seat covers"
Debbie I purchased the seat cover on in the pet products section.
I bought that same seat belt for Willy and he just loves it we haven't traveled to far with it yet but I am looking forward to Its a lot easier instead of a crate and I am not ready for him to just be standing in the way back of my van
I'm so glad to read about all your experiences with this seat harness! We have a permanent camp site on the water in Southern Maryland and drive 2 hrs on Fridays and Sundays coming and going most of 9 months of the year. Our Doods are always jockeying for the middle of the backseat and last time, we had to hit the brakes and Maple fell off the seat. I spent the rest of the trip cuddling her in the backseat to keep her from shaking, poor thing. Thanks!



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