Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What is the sweetest thing your doodle has done? I want to hear your stories.

Parris has done many things that are sweet but the very sweetest was when she was about 7 months old and I was reading Marley and Me. I started crying and Parris got up and starting licking my tears. I was so shocked and touched. Parris is so very "TUNED IN". I have never been so lucky to have a dog so aware and connected. Let me hear your sweet doodle stories.

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I am Canadian. Our thanksgiving is earlier than it is in the USA. Last thanksgiving, we went up to our cottage with our family and our beloved dog, Buddy who was just over 11 years old. I won't go into the details, but Buddy became very ill and we rushed him home to the vet. After 4 days in intensive care with pancreatitis and kidney failure, we had to put my little baby down. So, after grieving, crying, and going thru the motions of life, we decided to get a puppy. We brought Thomas home on November 25th. My sweet story is that on our first visit to the cottage after Buddy's death, I was sitting in the sun room remembering Buddy lying on this couch not that long ago. My 4 month old Golden Doodle, Thomas who is not a cuddler at all crawled up on the couch where I was sitting and laid his head in my lap and went to sleep! My husband saw this and couldn't believe it. I just sat there with this sweet little dog for over an hour as he slept and comforted me.
The sweetest thing my Hannah has done and does on a regular basis is, when grooming her, when you are finished, she will snuggle beside you in a sitting position and rest her head on your shoulder. But she braces her body against you and makes you feel like she is huging you.
When I have been away Giada always greets me at the door so excited, but because she has been taught not to jump on people she instead runs super fast around the livingroom a few times, then comes back to me and sits nicely at my feet waiting for kisses.............oh I just love that!!! :)
Tamara. How on earth did you teach her not to jump on people? I am going to have to get a professional trainer I guess, because I am doing 'everything right' but to no avail! She gets so overjoyed to see me when I come back from an outing (even 15 minutes) that she jumps and I hate it because my legs are clawed and my arms ... etc.
My doodle loves to sleep on my bed near my feet at night--when everything is done for the evening and she has had her last trip outside i take off her collar and she knows its time for bed. i love the way she just looks at me sweetly and patiently waits for me to finish all my bedtime stuff so she can follow me to the bedroom and snuggle up at my feet--the only problem occurs when i have a few extra things to do and it takes a bit longer than she'd like--then she gets a bit antsy and barks at me as if to say--It's time for bed!!
Whenever Allie has to go outside she always barks to let us know (and barks really loud). At bedtime she has the run of the house. Usually sleeps on the floor by our bed but sometimes down on the ceramic tile by our front door. In the morning when she has to go out she will NOT BARK when we are in bed. It's the sweetest thing. She will put her paws up on the side of the bed, usually my side first and then I usually pat her on the head and tell her not yet Al and she lets out a big sigh and goes and lays back down but when it's really time that she has to go she will jump up on the bed and come and lay her head on my neck and then you know she really has to go out. Too sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,
These stories are great. Thanks for warming my heart.
so cute........... : )
Of course my doodle does tons of really sweet things, as I'm sure all of your doodles do, but one of the sweetest things she does is to put her head on my shoulder. If I'm sitting on the couch or even in the car she will come up and prop her little chin on my shoulder. It's so sweet. I usually turn and rub my nose against hers and she'll lick me right in the face. Some may think that's gross, but I think it's so sweet!
Sometimes I pick up Max and lay him in my arms like a baby. Then I say "kisses" and he does. I just love when he does that!

I love everyone's stories. When Sophie was about 9 months old she knocked our neighbor's 4 year old son down playing too rough. My husband scolding her- something that rarely happens. She sulked til bedtime, then hopped into our bed & gave him her pig's ear.
Peri is not too affectionate with me yet (is this normal since she is so young - almost 14 weeks?), but she shows a lot to my chihuahua. When she wants to play she gently nudges him, goes to the toy box to get HIS favorite toy and drops it in front of him so he can get it first. Then tug-o-war ensues for quite a while! She is so sweet with him.



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