So, I did some searching on "hiccup", but found mostly burbing stories. My puppy seems to be getting the hiccups in the middle of the night. Should I be alarmed. This is happening several hours after eating/drinking, so I'm bewildered by the cause. And he has actually thrown up once too. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks, in advance.
Duff had the hiccups several times a day EVERY day for his first 4 months at least. I didn't worry about it because my friend's pediatrician told her that it was normal development for the diaphram muscles to cause hiccups in growing babies, so I figured it was a part of growing up for Duff too. He did grow out of it, but while he had them I observed that he often got them when he was anxious about something...even as small as wanting attention or needing to go outside. He would get them in the morning if we were sleeping and he had to go out...sometimes those led to more extreme anxiety and throwing up, but not usually.
Yes, hiccups means they are growing!!! Our pup had them a lot for the first six months. Yikes-he had them again yesterday-pls no more growing, you are big enough now.
Agnes had (and still has) them a lot. Her whole body convulses... it's kinda freaky... I asked the vet, and she said it's perfectly normal. Interesting that some people said that it's a sign of a growth spurt. I believe it... Agnes is growing like a weed.
Neely had the hiccups for the first time (i saw anyways) this week. He kept trying to figure out if something was coming out of him or not. He'd look down or around then lay his head down and it would happen again and he'd look and kind of look bewildered. They didn't last long though
Yvonne, Gus and Molly get them all the time, day and night. When my kids were babies they did too, and the doc said it was normal, so I figure it's normal for puppies too.
Hi Yvonne, A little late but I just saw this. Cimmy gets the hiccups all of the time also. As others said, just like my kids. I just figured, like the kids, it meant growing spurt. It would appear that Astro has done a lot of growing hence the hiccups!