Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

WOW!!! I am so glad to see more fellow doodlers have joined in on Fb1 :) Whenever you have the chance, if you all could please introduce yourself and tell us about you and your doodle :)

If you know of any others who have a Fb1, please invite them to this group :) Thanks!!!

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Hi, I am Tricia and we have an f1b doodle named Shiloh...he is a hoot, although he was neutered Monday and not quite feeling very good right now. We got Shiloh from a breeder and he is 10 months old now. We decided to add a second doodle to the mix and were lucky enough to rescue our 2nd doodle from a shelter last week. He is estimated to be about 14 weeks old. My hubby is a die hard Red Sox fan, so our new puppy is named Fenway. Kelli, did that play into your Fenway's name? I love hearing how people came up with their names...anyone else want to share?
Hi. Abby is my 12 week old f1b goldendoodle puppy. Her mother is a standard goldendoodle and her father is a miniature poodle. I predict she will be 40-50 lbs full grown as she is already over 13lbs. Right now her coat is very soft and fleecy - not curly at all. I hope she stays a non-shedder. I guess we will see what her coat develops into.
Hi, Starla is a F1b Labradoodle. She turned 1 last week and is 35 lbs. She is a really good dog and loves to be outside any chance she can get. She also loves to go to daycare and play with all of her "friends". She is the best dog!
Hi, I'm Linda & I'm getting an F1B goldendoodle in July so in about 3 and a half weeks. Woohoo.

I am curious as to the difference between F1 and F1B since I already have an F1. Are their coats and/or personalities the same?
Hi I'm Linda and proud Mom to Yankee F1 doodle (apricot) and now my newest addition, Finnegan F1B doodle (chocolate). I must say both my doodles are so different. Mind you, Finn is only 8 weeks but is he ever a busy little guy. Seems like he never stops. Yankee was the calmest puppy you have ever seen. Yankee was somewhat timid and Finn is not at all timid. I just heard him growling and it was because he wanted on the couch and couldn't get up. Yankee is kind of rough with him but he keeps coming right back at him. He has escaped the backyard twice and is out the front door at every opportunity. He has been home since Friday and I am exhausted. He is just so cute though.
Hi! We are Phil and Nina (pronounced 9-nuh) from Roswell, Georgia (burb of Atlanta). We are the proud parents of Harlow. She is named after Jean Harlow, the 1940s silver screen siren. Phil affectionately calls her Harlow-Jean as all Girls Raised In The South (GRITS) have two first names. She is a lovely chocolate standard F1b doodle who originally hales from Michigan. Maggie Lauderdale of Lauderdoodles graciously allowed us to become Harlow’s forever family. Phil and I are both work in IT for large corporations and yes our daughters call us ‘Geeks’ and ‘Bit Heads’.
Harlow is 5 ½ months, weighs 35 pounds and stands 19 ½” at the shoulder. The breeder estimates her adult size to 50 pounds and 21” at shoulder. Just the right height for head scratching without bending over. Harlow also does the wind up thing. She has two eight year old beagle brothers and they will all three get wound up, chasing each other through the family room, foyer, dining room and kitchen, round and round until we dizzy parents tell them to go outside. Then they chase each other around the backyard until everyone is exhausted. Everyone comes in for a big gulp of water and then crashes for long naps.
We'll be getting our pup in September. So so so so excited!
My name is Christi and we will be bringing Boomer home August 13 ! He is an F1B goldendoodle from Moss Creek Goldendoodles, near Tampa. He will be 11 weeks old, straight from Milo's Boot Camp.

My husband and I are empty nesters. We have 2 cats, but haven't had a dog since Kramer the Labradoodle passed 5 years ago. I am so excited and am overwhelmed at the puppy items I need to buy. We gave all our pooch stuff away, so Boomer will be getting all new things.

I look forward to sharing and learning with the group
My wife and I will be taking our new baby, Sookie, home in just under four weeks. I can't go ten minutes without looking at her picture! We're very, very excited! She's a caramel-colored f1b labradoodle.
Hey everyone! My name is Katie and I have a two year old F1B black Goldendoodle named Murphy. He's the first dog I've owned on my own, and the experience has been both wonderful and...interesting. I didn't know that pups raided the litterbox until I caught him doing it, a few weeks after I brought him home. ;)

Murphy is extremely energetic (he's on the treadmill right now, getting his extra hour of exercise) and very much a "boy's dog". He belches after eating, swipes everything in sight, and absolutely loves it when my brothers come to visit, because he gets to wrestle. When he's not rough-housing, Murphy spends a good amount of time loving everyone around him. His favorite "pet me" move is to stick his head under someone's arm while they're working on the computer or reading something at the kitchen table. The older he gets, the more calm and gentle he becomes. I can already see how great he'll be around young children, and I look forward to the day where I can start training him as a therapy dog. :)
Hi there! My name is Mona and I'm brand new to doodle parenting, as I haven't even brought my Lilly (F1B labradoodle) home yet. She'll be coming home with me week after next...

We're super excited to be adding our little doodle to the family and can't wait to explore this site!
Hi Everyone! I love Doodlekisses! My name is Lori. We just got our guy, Leo, two weeks ago.

He is now 10 weeks old, which I'm thinking pretty much HAS to be the terrible twos in dog years - or weeks in this case. Leo is an apricot doodle. His mom is a standard goldendoodle and his dad a miniature poodle (25 lbs 17 inches). Leo is a hoot. And exhausting. He seems to get really wound up around 7 each evening, which is kind of messing up Jeopardy in our house.Most of the time he is a complete love. He's slept through the night since the day we got him, I suspect thanks in part to his dalmation Snuggle Puppy. (It was all they had and I figured he wouldn't know the difference.)
We're outnumbered by animals, since it is just me and my daughter...but we now have three dogs. The others are a nine year old Shih Tzu who is more the size of a Lhasa. We also have a Pekingnese of an unknown age that we got from a shelter a couple of years ago. She is the Queen. Nobody crosses her and Leo promptly learned that he will do her bidding. It's more an attitude than anything with her - she's practically toothless but she gets her point across. The Shih Tzu is incredibly patient and lets Leo pull him by his tail, bite his ears, climb across him sideways...and in the two short weeks that we've had Leo he's gained about 3 pounds and grown two inches. He's starting to tower over the other two dogs.

For now I have the luxury of not working, but that will need to end soon. Between my daughter's soccer and other activities and now three dogs, there never seems to be enough time. I don't know how I will find time to work when I do go back! Finding has been an unintended consequence of adding Leo to our family. I had no idea there were so many doodle owners, or that you were such a great friendly group! I look forward to meeting some of you who may be in the SF Bay area.



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