Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What have you all (from the south) found to be the best age to start Agility Training with our doods? i have been so careful not to let my 9 month old do too much jumping or repetitive running on hard surfaces. Suggestions?

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Thanks Lori. Haven't seen any Puppy Agility, but I'm just starting to research.
In any beginner agility the instructor should be sure you use lower jumps for the safety of your pup. Most classes are also on grass or rubber padded floors. Start now if you feel he is ready. If you have some control with basic commands like sit, stay, come, GO FOR IT!
thanks Tammy. I think I will start soon as he seems very ready. We are good with all the commands but come and I work on that one constantly! Gets too distracted outside yet. But it's coming. I think he would love Agility/
Well we started annie at 2-3 months with stuff like sit,stay,come. That is all very important in agility. We didn't start raised jumps 'till 7 months though. This was all on grass.
Lili started her agility class at about 10 1/2 months of age. She loves it!! And I love seeing her have a blast. I also love how we are both so tired after class and for the remainder of the weekend.

Hi! I know this is a LA based group, but I'm wondering if there's anyone in this group doing agility in Sydney. Ruby is so light and springy, I think she was born to do agility and she'd love it. Any suggestions on where and how to start?
Today was Charlie's very first beginner agility class. She is now 20 months old. I wanted to start earlier, but she has fear issues and problem with personal space, so we waited until she went though some Rally classes to gain control and focus.
She does not care for new-to-her dogs being around her, and become easily aroused when things are going on. However, thanks to the rally class training, she was able to tune out most of what was goiong on, and focus on me! She did not even bark at the other dogs or anything, even did things right at the class!! I felt as that with her issues, we could not have done it without the rally classes......
Kyoko--GREAT NEWS. Since I can relate to some of Charlie's issues ( with Starlit ) and understand I think this is the best possible news. I am so happy for you both. I only wish Starlit would like Agility --NO WAY for this lazy mellow girl. Anyway, I just came in here to wish you both the best
Thank you ~ Joanne~~ Yes, we have been working on it for a long long time...... I was so nervous that she is going to bark at other dogs since they will be jumping and running and all.... It was a lot of work for me during the class as well, because I had to really pay attention to her to see what is on her mind, what is she looking at, etc...and keep her focused on me. But, I am telling you, as boring as I thought the rally classes were in the beginning, it is like heaven sent!! I think Charlie herself gained some sort of self confidence or something, you know?
Yes, Kyoko, I know, I know. Some of these dogs just need some self-confidence. It is posts like these that keep me working on Starlit. And yes, it is working. She loves obedience training and we hope to move on to something that makes her more confident after this ends next week.

You go Charlie --We are proud of you
We started doing agility (not in a class, just for fun) when Darwin was a year old. He is doing great so far!
I have a question--this probably should be in another post but since I am here.....

Starlit is mellow, lazy, and really acts like a perfect angel on the couch almost all day. She will pick up a toy maybe once a day. She prefers to watch people and make sure she is SAFE.

Anyone try Agility with a LAZY MELLOW DOODLE?



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