He is our hopeful stud puppy from our most recent litter. He needs a Noble name and one that is studdley too. I like food (desserts but nothing girly)and terms of endearment. Prefer non common names.
Also he is red not brown... that might help
as customers, dog shoppers and buyers would you be offended by the names
He is adorable. How about Tawny as in tawny port. When I was a child my cousin had a dog named Tawny who we adored.
From Wikipedia: Tawny port
Tawny ports are wines made from red grapes that are aged in wooden barrels, exposing them to gradual oxidation and evaporation. As a result, they gradually mellow to a golden-brown colour. The exposure to wood imparts "nutty" flavours to the wine, which is blended to match the house style. Tawny ports are sweet or medium dry and typically drunk as a dessert wine.