Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There are times I call Blake everything BUT his name...As far as nick names he has quite a few and he responds to all of them...

Mr. Noodle
Scooby Doodle
The Blakester
Blakenstein ( When he's naughty)
Fuzzy Man
and of course.....BUDDY or BUD.....
Sometimes I hold his ears back and flatten the hair on his head with my hand and I call him The Golden Seal......

Post em if you got em!

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Winston: Winster, Fluff bucket (not sure were the bucket part came from), goofy gus, baby boy, doodle dud, Winst.
Finley: Monkey!
We bought her a Monkey costume for Halloween this year. I can't wait!
We call Darwin
Darvin (scandanavian accent)
Santy Bean (no idea why)
Doodley Doo
Murphy's Nick Name; I picked up an older lady to give her a ride. I was showing her apartments that afternoon. Murphy as usual was in the back of the car. When she got in she said, "Nice dog, what's his name." I said, "His name is Murphy." from that she got "Smurfy" I corrected her once but she just didn't get it and "Smurfy" just stuck for the rest of the afternoon. I found that lady to be amusing and the name "Smurfy" still makes me smile a year later.
Okay...let's see just how many names our Gracie has.
Gracie Doodle
Gracie Doodle One Half Poodle
The Baby
Noodle Doodle
Gray Gray
Lambie Pie
Doodle Pie
Muffin Head
Muffin Puffin
Muffie Puffie
Nudie Doodie
Lovie Buggie
Love Bug
I call Cooper "Sausage".

Not too sure why... it started when I commented on one of the cats being "a sausage" because she was being all pathetic for no reason. My husband queried it... I guess its a British term?????? Similar to "Muffin" in Canada we decided. (awww, poor little sausage!) Then Cooper got called Sausage and it stuck. She now answers to it, and can distinguish it from "sausage dog" her toy

That's awesome! LOL!
Bella has many also . . . but consider yourself warned that not all of them are flattering. They are usually uttered adoringly, though.

Bell Bell
Bella Boop (like Betty Boop)
Bella Boo
Snot rag (the most used nickname)
Fuzz Bucket
Fluff Fluff
'Fuzzy Whuzzy (was a pup . . .)
Big Butt

and whatever else comes to mind when we see her very odd, very fuzzy, mug.
Gus - Handsome; Gusbuster; GusGus; Billy Goat Gus (he loves to eat paper); Doodlebug; Platypus; Buddy; Mister (when he's been bad); Nature Boy; Bug Boy; Whippersnapper

Molly - Molly Doodle; Molly Wolly; Snugglebug; Miss Molly; Molly Biscuit; MudPup; Pretty Pup; Young Lady (when she's been bad); Doodly-Do; Pup-Pup; Lucy Goose
We call Annie: Annieboo,Anniekins,Annabelle,Boo Boo Bear,Pooh Bear,Doodle Bug,Sweetie Pie.
Wilson gets called "Mr. WIlson"...Bear.. mops..Wills..but sometimes I think he thinks..his name is "NO!!" lol



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