Last year a small group of us formed a group in order to exchange Christmas/Holiday cards for the season. I wanted to open it up for others to do the same thing so I have created
3 TWO new private groups just for this purpose.
WHY a Christmas/Holiday card exhange? Cuz it's FUN! As the days of Christmas draw closer and closer it's a blast to get a mailbox full of doodle cards almost daily! Here's what my wall looked like last year full of cards from doodle friends:

(anyone else who wants to post pics here is welcome to show off the fun from last year!)
Now, why a private group? Well, because DK as a whole is a public site where anybody can see in (unless you've marked YOUR page or blog or photos as private), we need a private group to protect everyone's private mailing addresses. So please don't exchange addresses in public unless you don't care who knows where you live. Also because we have 5,000+ members we need to contain the groups to a limited number so nobody has to spend $500 paying for postage =)
How does it work?
You request membership to the group (listed below) and once you are in, you'll soon get a chance to share your mailing address with everyone else in the group. Once the group is full or there joining deadline is reached...EVERYONE in the group is to send EVERYONE ELSE in the group a Christmas (or Hannukah or Holiday) card that includes a photo of their doodle or them and their doodle. That means you do have to send every member of that group a card and in return you'll get a card from every member of that group in return! Fun =)
Each group is private and membership is limited to 50 members. You may request membership to either of the two groups until they are full or the joining deadline has arrived. If you join and stay in any of the card exchange groups, then that means you are willing to exchange cards with
all of the members of those groups. Otherwise, if you do NOT wish to do so, please leave the group as it is only fair to have addresses of those you will actually send cards to.
Here are the TWO groups, you may join any one you wish. B is now full
Group B is closed as it has reached 50 members. Group A has a more room for members. There's no difference between the two other than different folks in each group. If you feel comfortable sharing your mailing address with others for a fun join one of these two groups as it IS a lot of fun to open your mailbox and find dozens of doodle cards.
AND you don't have to celebrate Hannukah or Christmas can consider it a "Holiday" Card exchange if that is your preference.