Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lately I have been wondering if our rule to not let Darwin on the couch is a bad one. We have only see him try to get on the couch twice, once we walked in the room and he was curled up and sound asleep. I would love to have him hop up and cuddle with me rather than having to sit on the floor... but I don't know if this would have negative consequences.
We initially didn't let him up for two reasons.
-We were afraid this would be a big contributing factor to the doggy smell. We bathe him every week, so perhaps this is not really a huge concern.
-I heard some information about how your dog may be confused about his place int he "pack" if you allow him to inhabit all the same spaces as you, such as a couch. Is this just mumbo jumbo in your opinion?

Do you allow your dog on the couch? Do the pros outweigh the cons?

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You can always train him to wait until a certain blanket or towel is there ready for him. And then only when invited. With one dog that might not be too hard to teach =)
How about training him to only come up when you want him to. Our dogs have free run of everything, but sometimes I wish we had restricted things a bit.
Adina, you really need to trim the hair around Rosco's poop chute. This dingleberry thing has become an obsession. Have you ever actually seen one?
Maybe my dogs' poop has been unusually firm over the years, but I have never had dingleberries. Dirt, leaves, grass, but no dingleberries.
I DO trim it. And his poops always look fine when I pick them up, but he stuff STILL sticks to his behind and it is gross! :-D Thule rarely has poop stick, but she has stepped in it as has Rosco. What can I say? Not a fan of doggy poop.
That was supposed to be funny. (Note to self: Do not tease a nine-days post-partum mom about doggy poop.)
I keep wipes near the door. If you can wipe one animal, WW, you can wipe others if need be. Not a fan either but it won't kill you. don't tell my visitors I said this : ).
LOL..yes but WW's butt is smooth and hairless. It's a whole 'nother ballgame with a doodle. It takes WORK to get his butt clean, nothing a mere wipe will do. I'm fine with doggies off the furniture =) And THEY are fine off the furniture. So we are all happy.
Adina: It is so good to see you back. I haven't heard Dinglberries in months! LOL
Too true.
I hear those sleigh bells ring-a-ling
Dingleberry-ing, too....



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