Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Noah is really not interested in food at all. The only time he begs for people food is when his dinner is served late. When people offer him treats at the pet store, he spits them out. When we went on our therapy visit, he spit the treats out as well because he was too interested in the people. People always ask if they can give him a treat, and I try to tell them that he's not interested, but they don't believe that a dog would actually refuse a treat, until they see him spit it out and leave it. The only time when he's interested in a treat is when Sherlock looks interested in it as well. If only I had my dog's will-power when it came to food!

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Noah must be related to Jackdoodle; he isn't interested in treats either, no matter how tempting. One of these days I'm going to have my DD videotape me offering Jack one gourmet treat after another, only to have him spit it out or turn his head away! This past weekend he has refused: Baa Baa Q's, which some people have called "doggy crack", Zuke's Venison jerky, which he previously loved, duck jerky, gourmet peanut butter cookies, and a piece of freeze dried liver. When I open my pantry, I see dollar bills with wings, lol.
Jack also regularly refuses his meals, but since he is slightly overweight (how?), I'm not too worried about it. I just wish I knew what to buy from one week to the next.
Jack will even turn his nose up at the Dogswell jerky if he's had a particular flavor too recently!
Jane, what's the difference between the Dogswell cat jerky & dog jerky ingredient-wise? Be careful with giving cat treats to dogs, cat food has a much much higher fat level than dog food, and some of the aminos are higher, too. I don't know about the jerky, though.
My two are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Daisy---the older, smaller one---has always been a fussy eater not at all motivated by food. She will appraise the treat first to decide if it's worth taking. She hit 35 lbs at 6 months and her weight has not varied a pound since. It's not unusual for her to go days eating less than a normal meal per day. She couldn't care less.
Maggie---who is 9 months younger but 50%+ larger----is TOTALLY in love with food. Any kind; any where; any time. When she was very young we could put her through training exercises using single bits of kibble as her reward. She'll still take a single piece of kibble but don't expect much in return. She will do ANYTHING for a treat. We trained her to do her business on command by promising a treat when she's done. Maggie is the most food motivated dog we have ever had. But we never give her any kind of pople food.
Fortunately (really?) she's also the most active. She burns those calories off quickly. Like most doodles---she looks much bigger than she is until she gets wet. Then she's a normal size healthy girl.
My two are getting more and more picky. Usually if one dog doesn't want the treat and spits it out the other will gobble it up as soon as it hits the floor, even if they don't particularly like the treat either! They pretty much like the same kibble so that makes it easy for me but they started turning their nose up on several "flavors" of food that I was rotating for variety. They aren't too hot on any kibble with fish in it. I too wish I had the will power...but food is my friend....sigh... lol
Peri loves food. Taquito not so much. Want to know how I got him to eat his new food (that is not the same as Peri's and a bit more boring?)? I let Peri move her way to the bowl. Taquito got territorial and pushed her out of the way and starting eating. HA! I have to use this trick sometimes because he just isn't food motivated.
ROFL- I love it when you can use their less attractive little ways to manipulate them!
ROFL!!!!! I agree :)
Darwin loves food more than anything. Even if he has had all his food for the day, and is completely full, he will sit and watch you longingly. I haven't come across a treat he doesn't like...
Timbow will try almost anything. Every once in a while he'll spit a treat out, but not very often. He is really spoiled with getting good healthy treats at home though, so if someone tries to give him a cheap filled with junk treat he won't touch it. I guess I officially have a health conscious dog. Thank you Karen and The Food Group. lol
Chewie LOVES food and will eat anything and everything he can get his mouth on! He is extremely food motivated and will do anything for a treat. He acts like he's starving which sometimes makes me question if I'm feeding him enough, but he gets the recommended amount for his weight plus treats. He's just a little piggy!



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