Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Cheryl and Finnegan
  • Doylestown, PA
  • United States
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Cheryl and Finnegan's Friends

  • Steph
  • Sam&Bella
  • PAtti
  • Julie
  • Tammy M. Jacomin
  • KD Nick
  • Andrea, Belle and Honey
  • Cathy Murphy
  • Jen D
  • Barbara Dudas
  • claudia lawrey
  • Katie
  • Gumbo and Ashley
  • Leann
  • Jean Ritchie

Cheryl and Finnegan's Discussions

No brokers, please!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Nov 19, 2017. 21 Replies

I'll apologize in advance for a Sunday morning rant, but this is bothering me.  There is a certain puppy broker who keeps plastering ads of adorable doodle puppies on DK and on my FB page. This…Continue

Tags: puppies, goldendoodles, labradoodles, breeders

Ticks Have Arrived with a Vengeance!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() Apr 29, 2016. 28 Replies

Anyone have any experience with FrontLine Tritak ( new product) or Certifect? I started Finn back on his seasonal flea and tick regiment -- FrontLine Plus this month.  Even though we live along a…Continue

Pleased with ADAPTIL Collar

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy & Echo Jan 7, 2016. 25 Replies

After Finn exhibited signs of severe stress on a recent weekend away (and I declined the vet's suggestion to put him on prozac since he seemed to return to normal once at home), the vet suggested I…Continue

Extreme Fear

Started this discussion. Last reply by charlotte bednarsh Jan 2, 2016. 92 Replies

Looking for some advice or insights...Finn has always been a velcro dog -- my shadow --and as sweet as his devotion is, I know it's not just love --there's some component of anxiety to it and that…Continue


~~~~~~Welcome to Finnegan's World~~~~~~

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Cheryl and Finnegan replied to Danna's discussion We lost our 3 1/2 yr old boy to bloat while away on vacation
"I'm sorry for your loss.  Anything that takes your pet away so unexpectedly is very difficult, I think.  I hope in time your good memories will outweigh the sorrow."
Jul 15, 2019
Cheryl and Finnegan replied to Laurie, Fudge, and Vern's discussion Ricki and Tara
"I haven't been by DK in awhile but  I remember many times a discussion would get going and Ricki would be on a roll.  Those apple cider discussions were hilarious.   She did have a wicked wit...  I'm so sorry for Larry,…"
Jul 15, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm a happy doodle owner who has survived puppyhood! A couple years ago, I left the corporate world, where I had been a marketing executive and made a lifestyle change. I became an executive director for a professional orchestra nestled in the river towns along the Delaware River. Besides the interesting people I meet, the added benefit was... I could have a dog again! I have 2 sons and two grandchildren. My hobbies, in addition to raising Finn, are music, photography, reading, and travel. Travel now pretty much includes a doodle.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Finnegan is an apricot cream medium australian labradoodle. He's so soft and gentle that people can't help but smile when they touch him and if he really likes you, he'll give you a grin. Whoever originally "bought" FInn didn't want him :( As soon as I got an email with his picture, I knew this was my puppy and I was on my way to meet him. Still, I was having second thoughts during the 2 hour drive. But as soon as I walked in, he pushed his head up over the puppy pen, studied me a bit and then he...grinned. "Did you come for meeee?" Today he is 50 lbs. He got his CGC on his first birthday -with a lot of help from our friends :) He's also a Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dog. Bach is his favorite composer. He slept to it on his first car ride (home). And he was a "Smash" puppy -- his favorite song--"Let's be Bad" LOL

1 Siamese cat rounds out the (not so) peaceable kingdom. Her name is Song and Finn considers her entirely hopeless!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Their intuitive gentle nature, intelligence, AND their non shedding coat. But really...they're just so darn cute!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Exploring new places, meeting new people, long walks, making up doodle games, training, swimming, therapy (Finn is a Roxy Reading Dog for special needs kids), and getting in lots of snuggle time :)
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Jacqui at Dog Daze and sometimes me (which upsets Jacqui :)
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong Tennis balls
Kong Wubba
White Pear and Apple Shampoo (smells soooo good)
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Comment Wall (95 comments)

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At 6:46pm on September 9, 2016, Sam&Bella said…

Thank you so much for the nice comment!! ;)

At 3:47pm on December 8, 2015, Donna K & Quincy said…

I came in to leave you a quick message but I decided to spend a little time in Finn's world enjoying the slideshow and the music. :>)

At 5:33pm on September 19, 2015, Cathy Murphy said…

Hi Cheryl and Finn, 

My name is Cathy and we have a 41/2 month old puppy named Finnegan (Finn).  I have seen in several posts that your Finn is a reading dog for special needs kiddos.  I know we have a long way to go with training but how did you go about that process.  i ask because I am a speech/language therapist in a public school and would love to have Finn be a speech buddy at some point.  I work in a rural Maine town with a low income population and I think it would be a beneficial interaction for my kiddos.  I would love to hear any pointers/tips and how you present that to a school system (i.e. liability issues) to get started.  Also is there a specific training program that you did? Your Finn is so handsome and must make many people happy!

At 12:52pm on March 1, 2015, Karen, Riley & Cooper said…
I absolutely agree about Labradoodles being the best! My vet told us "you finally got a real dog" when we brought RILEY in the first time, and still jokes about it. I would love to do a doodle romp, so please keep me in the loop.
At 7:49am on March 1, 2015, Leslie C. said…

Hi, Cheryl.  

It looks like I missed your email.  Pretty cool that you and Finn work one day a week in a class with kids with special needs

LiliBear would be great at this too as she is pretty amazing with kids and adults.  She has a strong desire to connect with others and it seems to brighten their day.  

We do have several different animal assisted therapies at our school which is a great development over the recent years.  The school actually keeps me too busy to even entertain the idea of bringing her in...  thanks for asking.  We are fortunate to have such special doodle dogs in our lives.  ~Leslie.  

At 5:43pm on November 30, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

My family knew I was a crazy dog lady when I got the Hopeless Doodle Addict trophy - and that was a long time ago!  Since my son has since gotten a doodle (rescue pup), he sort of gets it, but in no way would join me in my nuttiness!  BTW there is a shirt for us:  and

At 7:48pm on November 23, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Congrats on Finn being a calendar boy! I love his picture!

At 8:44am on November 23, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

Finn's photo on the DK calendar is great.  I am actually is a good place for Groucho Too and have not cried like I did over Hondo.  I guess it helped knowing he was going to die and having some time for closure while he was still with us.  I buried his created remains in our garden this week, but just can't bring myself to bury Hondo.  These dogs definitely make a great impression in our lives.

At 4:25pm on November 16, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

Sorry.   It is on the blog post now, but wasn't earlier.

At 6:07pm on November 15, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Oh, I am doing a little happy dance!  I found my old discussion about Ned's slab fracture.  Hope it helps you form an opinion.  I really took to heart Ricki's posts because Tara's vet is a dental specialist and had specific recommendations.

Cheryl and Finnegan's Blog

Excuse me, but that's MY seat!

Posted on March 21, 2017 at 9:18am 23 Comments

To say Finnegan is a Velcro doodle would be an understatement.  He is always at my feet or I am within his line of sight. Others, who aren't owned by a doodle, may find it a little strange that we go around the house as if there was an invisible tether between us but I’ve adjusted to the extra appendage.  It’s not that he’s timid or scared.  He's loyal to a fault and believes this is the natural order of things. And, once a doodle gets something in his head, it’s darn hard to change it.  You…


Imperfectly, Perfect.

Posted on June 22, 2014 at 7:39pm 48 Comments

Finnegan and I just finished our first school year as a reading team.  It was more rewarding for both of us than I could have imagined, but it wasn’t until the last day that I had one of those ah-ha moments that I wanted to share, especially for anyone thinking of doing therapy work.  

I honestly never pictured Finn as a reading dog. He's done a good job in nursing homes, gently putting his head in one lap after another, and I always thought he’d be wonderful in a children’s…


Yay! We Met Sophie, Dougie, Rosebud, Baila, Looie and their people!

Posted on September 10, 2013 at 3:25pm 23 Comments

Many thanks to Bob, Matt, and Sophie for hosting our first ever Bucks County Doodles Romp last Sunday!  Dogs and people had a lot of fun and Sophie's backyard was just perfect for doodle antics!  Sophie is the sweetest girl with the most gorgeous red coat. Some of you may remember that Sophie was seriously ill not too long ago so it was great to see her healthy and running again! Yay! We loved meeting Bob, Matt and Sophie, Adrienne and Dougie, Alla and Baila (founder of the group), Marcie,…


Honey, I Found Our Dog! Huh?

Posted on June 2, 2013 at 8:13pm 19 Comments


Well, it seems everyone has 15 minutes of fame.


Last weekend when friends and I went to a large horse show and country fair.  Finnegan happily tagged along.  We go every year, but this time it was really crowded and I think Finn found it stressful to be lost in a sea of knees, Jack Russell Terriers and Labrador Retrievers.  A number of people…



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