Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sally, Echo and Emmi
  • Female
  • Palm Beach Gardens, FL
  • United States
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Sally, Echo and Emmi's Friends

  • Sam&Bella
  • Kelsey Hout
  • Sue & Lily Grace
  • Diana Erhart
  • Jessica and Jake
  • William
  • Shawn & Bella
  • Buddy & Bentley
  • Rebecca Smith
  • Tanya
  • J Hendricks
  • Heather Mason
  • Joan and Rags
  • Kathy Spyker
  • Kemp Rader

Sally, Echo and Emmi's Discussions

Vectra 3D

Started this discussion. Last reply by Caitlin and Albus Mar 26, 2010. 7 Replies

Coconut oil/organic extra virgin

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Apr 12, 2009. 11 Replies


Sally, Echo and Emmi's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a registered nurse and I work as a surgical nurse in an outpatient surgery weekends and no holidays!!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I finally brought home my Australian Labradoodle on January 24th!!! He is 9 weeks old and his name is Echo. He is a golden cream color with a beautiful wavy flleece coat and sparkling green eyes. He is a wonderful addition to my family!
Well, I can't believe it but I am now a 2 doodle Mom! Say hello to Emmi everyone! She is a beautiful 6 month old red doodle and she is as sweet as she can be!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I lost my precious black lab, Magic, last Memorial weekend. I decided if I ever got another dog it would not shed!!!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Don't know for now!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Love Doodle Country Store!
Relationship Status:

Sally, Echo and Emmi's Photos

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At 9:25am on December 17, 2012, Sue & Lily Grace said…

Merry Christmas to you and your family.  Pups too!

At 6:23am on October 27, 2012, Sue & Lily Grace said…
Hi Sally, thank you. I smile every time I see your picture of Echo (he is so like Boomer). can't wait to meet you all.
At 7:35am on October 22, 2012, Sue & Lily Grace said…

Hi Sally.  Lily Grace is coming home on Saturday 10/27.  I left her for 3 weeks additional training but now cannot wait so I am picking her up a week early.  Karen and Mark have been so goo wit her.  She has learned sit/stay and to walk happily on her leash.  She has been sleeping in her crate by herself with just one potty break.  All bets are off when she leaves Mark and Karen and all is new here.  I am very excited and have everything sitting waiting for her.  As you can see by my profile picture, TBAL picked the parti for me.  Looking at the videos and pictures they have sent she seems to be a happy curious puppy.  I saw her at 7 weeks and she just cried until she heard Marks voice then she toddled over to him and Mindi.  Mindi said don't bother me, so Lily went and climbed all over Della.  Soo funny.  Anyway, as you can tell I am very excited.   I will let you know how my first days turn out.  I am still hoping to meet you when she gets a little bigger.  


At 12:01pm on September 9, 2012, Sue & Lily Grace said…

Hi Sally, Both Boomer and Mindi were there.  Mindi is the proper lady.  She is so sweet and just sits at your feet and lets you pet her.  I love Boomer.  He is a gorgeous dog.  Does your Echo look like him?  Mark and Karen are very good with their dogs and the dogs are really very laid back.  Grace was an angel and with a litter of 3 week old puppies.  She was not at all protective just curious and sat and let me pet her.  Funny thing I left there and my first remark was "There was not a dog smell anywhere in that house"  There were five dogs in the upstairs in the house plus 8 puppies.  I was amazed to see and smell how clean everything was and how laid back they are with everything going on.  They are great breeders and wonderful people.  The little brown puppy with the white slippers on is one of the females. The other is a parti and she is buried in this pile.  I could not verbalize a choice, so we will have to see who they chose for me.  I am going up again in a month to see them again.  They will almost be ready to come home at that point.  I am going to leave mine another 3 weeks for additional training.  I am hoping some of the TBAL socialization will help.  

I hope to see you and the pups in the spring, if not before.


At 5:27am on September 9, 2012, Sue & Lily Grace said…
Hi Sally, I was at Mark and Karen's yesterday to see my baby's litter. Of course I got to see Boomer and give him hugs and pets. Gave him some from you and Echo. I was explaining how I knew about Echo and even as I did it seemed a little unreal. How wonderful is DK and this technology. Anyway, they were so glad to hear of Echo and of course you. They said to give you their best wishes. I told them that come spring I hope to meet you and Echo at Juno Beach. I am really looking forward to that and she is just now three weeks. I hope all is well. Hugs.
At 10:38am on June 30, 2011, Dianne Carter ~ Trinity Doodles said…
Happy Birthday Sally!
At 4:35am on May 24, 2011, sandy b said…

Hi Sally,

Haven't seen you on here for awhile. How are you and Echo and Emmi? I can't believe Max is almost 3 yrs old. Had an email from Mark & Karen a month or so ago to see if I wanted to be a guardian. I would love to have another dood not sure I have the time to go through another puppyhood!! 

At 6:24am on December 23, 2010, Betty Moss said…

I would love to have Jasmine and Emmi meet. We come to the beach , Juno Beach, quite a bit. Maybe we could get them together?? Jasmine was born in January of 2010. She is a mini........  How about it?


At 5:06pm on August 15, 2010, Susan said…
Hi Sally, how are the pair of doodles doing? I think about friends are living inthe Bluffs now and frequent the beach everyday with their dogs (no doodles) and tell me when they see doodles there! Hope they are well adjusted now. I see you use Honest Kitchen. Marlow loves it! Our lease is up at the end of Nov. so hopefully we will be moving closer to you and get to come to the beach!
At 1:59pm on July 10, 2010, sandy b said…
I would dearly love to have another but not sure I can go through another puppyhood - but maybe at least 6 mos like Paris hmmm!!! I bet eventually Paris and Echo will be best buds.
And a belated happy birthday. I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be when I worked at home so I'm missing quite a bit on DK.:-(


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