Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Cyndi, The Boys & Callie
  • Female
  • Lawrenceville, GA
  • United States
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Cyndi, The Boys & Callie's Friends

  • Sam&Bella
  • Elizabeth F
  • Jeffrey Altman
  • jenn D
  • Janie, Jackson and Jilly
  • PJ and Zach
  • Shelby and Kev
  • Ronna, Murphy & Wilson
  • William
  • Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey
  • Kemp Rader
  • Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis
  • Adrianne Matzkin
  • Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie

Cyndi, The Boys & Callie's Discussions

GA Court Decision

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa Jun 7, 2016. 5 Replies

This case involves a couple of left their two dogs at a boarding kennel, one of which needed medication. However, the kennel gave the wrong dog the medication and that dog ultimately passed away from…Continue

Saw that Belle was adopted

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Aug 18, 2014. 27 Replies

Every day that I log on (which is most days), I check to see who has been adopted especially those I am closely watching.  Belle pulled at my heart every time I saw her and so I literally cheered out…Continue

Rescue doodle (I think it's a doodle) in Atlanta

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Jun 12, 2014. 9 Replies

Yesterday, there was an article trending about a dog named Jaggy who was in a GA shelter.  Apparently he's 7 years old and is having a very hard time being abandoned at the shelter (and who…Continue

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Cyndi, The Boys & Callie's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
My husband and I became empty nesters when our son left for college in 2010. After all the projects were finished, the silence was deafening and Tank joined us in July 2011. In October,2011 we decided that Tank needed a brother and Sully joined the family. The family was complete in Oct 2012 when Beau came home.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Tank is a cream ALD with green eyes and was born on 5/23/11. 56 lbs.
Sully was born on 8/27/11 and is a red ALD. 41 lbs.
Beau was born on 7/24/12 and is a black ALD at 40 lbs. .
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I liked they, typically, do not have the intense doggy smell of some other breeds. Combined with the personality and intelligence, it was an easy choice.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing ball and riding in the car. We just love being with them.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
As Groomed As It Gets (Liz) - Monroe, GA
Favorite Doodle Products?
Les Poochs brushes
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 5:38pm on May 14, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Thank you so much for responding. We currently have the xc90 with the 3rd seat (never used any more as the kids are grown).  Ours is  2005 and coming up on major work.   We are trying to decide whether to put more money into the car than it is worth, or get another. I am terrible at measuring also but the 60 seems okay to me on visual inspection but we will  have to take the dogs over as our final decider. 

My dh's visual must be bad too because we had an old jeep wrangler that we towed - we LOVED that car, but it was just too small for the dogs once we added Clancy so we got another newer Wrangler that 'seemed' bigger in the back. NOT!  I am sooooooo disappointed. 

At 10:48pm on May 13, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Just saw your post about the  xc60.  We are thinking of downsizing from our xc90.  We have 3 dogs.  We want the option of keeping the seat up for our granddaughter.  What year is yours?  We are also thinking about the station wagon. 

At 10:31am on July 29, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
At 6:10pm on July 25, 2011, Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More said…
At 4:31pm on July 24, 2011, Donna K & Quincy said…
At 8:45pm on July 23, 2011, Jennifer,Chloe & Myla said…
You are so welcome-you will love it on here! So much to see and learn! Enjoy!
At 8:42pm on July 23, 2011, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…
This is a great place to share about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Look at the top of your page and click on Groups - check them out. Enjoy!
ned and clancy spring
At 7:58pm on July 23, 2011, Liana & Jindi said…
Hi Cyndi & Tank, welcome to Doodle Kisses.Spring Butterfly
At 9:01pm on July 22, 2011, Deb, Connor & Simon said…

Hey Cyndi, Simon my ALD is a Cooper puppy. He is cream with apricot ears and apricot in his tail. When he was a baby, his eyes were just as green as grass. He was 2 yr old in May and his eyes are now amber with green around the iris. He has a super soft spiral fleece coat.

Your little Cooper baby is totally and completely adorable!! Big doodle wags, wiggles and kisses to him from Simon and Connor the goldendoodle. <3

At 8:15pm on July 22, 2011, Camilla and Darwin said…


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