Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Elizabeth & Cosmo
  • Female
  • Starkville, MS
  • United States
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Elizabeth & Cosmo's Friends

  • Melissa and Willa Couch
  • Joyce (Casey & Cody's mom)
  • Laura Bogar
  • Brenda Stone
  • Patti Golden
  • Di and Maddie
  • Joanie
  • Rachel and Ollie
  • Katie, John & Parker pup
  • Holly & Harry
  • Felix
  • Lindsey
  • Nicky, Riley & Boris
  • Ashley & Chandler
  • Tein and Ventje

Elizabeth & Cosmo's Discussions

Gagging issues with outdoor waterers?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Elizabeth & Cosmo Jan 10, 2013. 4 Replies

Cosmo has a Lixit-type waterer that attaches to a faucet on the side of our house. When he licks it, a stream of water comes out, so he can get water whenever he wants it when he's outside.Cosmo…Continue

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Elizabeth & Cosmo's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Cosmo is our beautiful multigeneration Australian Labradoodle puppy, who just came home today! (July 31, 2010)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I am allergic to dogs, and my husband didn't want a poodle. After a lot of research on many breeds, I thought the Australian Labradoodle would be the best combination of coat, intelligence, and temperament.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
The Shaggy Hound, in Starkville, MS
Relationship Status:
PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Elizabeth & Cosmo's Photos

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Comment Wall (38 comments)

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At 11:38am on May 6, 2015, Lynda Kamrath said…

You weren't so hard to find because there are only seven pages of members in the Art Cafe.  Look around the site and add your art.  Cosmo looks a lot like our Harpo.  He is also an ALD and born in 2010.

At 9:33am on September 12, 2012, Patti Golden said…

Thanks for the links.  Guess what!  That Tennessee breeder is listed on the premium breeders list.  I guess the bottom line is you just really need to do research on ANY breeder you're considering no matter what their website states.  At this point, I'm still unsure what I will do.  Thanks again.

At 7:08am on July 16, 2012, Nicky, Riley & Boris said…

Just looking at your pictures, Cosmo and Riley could be brothers for sure!  I'm heading into the west tomorrow to see the GD, so nervous but I know I have everyones best wishes and if it's meant it will happen. 

At 4:32pm on June 24, 2012, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
I just love the pictures that you posted! Knox and I have missed the three of you!!
At 6:39pm on April 9, 2012, Di and Maddie said…

Ok - found your pics......Those set off his gorgeous color!  I have always wanted a chocolate lab......well until I saw a pic of a goldendoodle a few years back......He is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!  (I love my Maddie in the blue bonnets too!)

At 6:55am on November 7, 2011, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
Thank you, Elizabeth! I have been so excited ever since Adina notified me! My photography is questionable at best, so I'm thrilled that we made the cut! Hope you, Chris and darling Cosmo are doing well! Hope to see you soon!
At 1:01pm on September 15, 2011, Huskins & Cheryl said…
Man, that sounds like a great shopping opportunity. I just read your post about the Top Texas with vendors on the sides of the highway. I am interested in this. We might vacay to Texas in October when our boy is on fall break and yes I know the weather will be better then. Tell me when it is this year.
At 4:21pm on December 19, 2010, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
A friend of mine is getting a petite GD from Timshell Farms on the 29th! She just joined DK, so look for 'Ashley and Chandler' and welcome them when you get a chance! Thank you!
At 11:34am on December 19, 2010, Doris, Knox & Flash said…
I love your new profile pic!! Cosmo is just so darn cute!!
At 12:25pm on December 17, 2010, Minga & Malu & Costa said…

Thanks for the Christmas card.....ADORABLE!!!! Love, Minga



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