Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

DJ & Chance
  • Female
  • Richmond, CA
  • United States
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DJ & Chance's Friends

  • Rena
  • S & Charlie
  • Sam&Bella
  • Shoney & Ruby
  • Nancy and Georgia Brown
  • Miss Ellie
  • Kristin and Sophie
  • Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau
  • a.k.a. Rodney
  • Lori, Quincy & Frankie
  • Traz, Karen & Dale
  • Lonnie & Libby Lu
  • Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa
  • Janie, Jackson and Jilly

DJ & Chance's Discussions

"Before" and "After" you got your doodle

Started this discussion. Last reply by DJ & Chance Feb 19, 2016. 32 Replies

This cartoon series is amusing.  Add your own examples of what life was like for you before and after you got your doodle.  (cartooning not necessary)!…Continue

This golden must be related to my doodle

Started this discussion. Last reply by Three Doodle Life Nov 22, 2014. 11 Replies

This gave me a good laugh.  Enjoy!…Continue

Oops, I forgot "someone's" birthday

Started this discussion. Last reply by BG and Gavin Aug 26, 2014. 34 Replies

Happy Birthday, Chance.  Mom is a little late, but you know how she is sometimes so don't take it personally.  You have brought so much joy to her life and also helped her make many new DK friends.…Continue

It wasn't me, mom!

Started this discussion. Last reply by DJ & Chance Apr 12, 2014. 163 Replies

I thought it would be fun to share photos of the trail of evidence that tells us that our doodles have been up to mischief.  I'll start with this one of Chance unsuccessfully pleading his case.…Continue

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DJ & Chance's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Live in Pt. Richmond, CA on many weekends, inland for work otherwise.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Mr. ChancyPanz (Chance), a F1b small goldendoodle
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Not sure. I considered for some time getting a poodle or poodle mix. Intelligent, loving, goofy, fun.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Frisbee toss
Outdoor walks
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I brush every other day and do minor trimming; groomer does the major stuff

DJ & Chance's Photos

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Comment Wall (33 comments)

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At 8:35pm on September 3, 2016, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

DJ, thank you soooo much for editing Ned and Clancy's photo.  I simply love it.  You took what is a special photo to their mama, to a meaningful photo to many.   Wow!

At 8:40pm on January 31, 2016, Stephanie and Ragley said…

So excited to flip my calendar and start staring at your little romantic pup tomorrow! Love that shot

At 5:20pm on May 23, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Have a GREAT trip.  It sounds very fun.

At 7:02am on May 1, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

Oh, DJ, where are those tulips (I mean the photo of the tulips)?  I think it was taken in Washington, DC.  I loved that photo and want to paint it.  It was such great shading.  Now I can't find it but I think it was on the Spring group.  Would you be willing to send it to me in high resolution so I can make a painting and print it as a giclee?  It would also be super to print on metal.  I have been doing a little experimenting with different print modes and did a project with Joanne's dog, Spud, for our Art Share.  I just want to see these tulips again in some different ways.

At 10:34pm on January 18, 2014, Jay, Lola and Colonel Esau said…

testing testing 1 2 3 ... Hi Chance

At 11:42am on September 30, 2013, Sally said…

I saw your calendar submissions on the thread in the photography group. I just have to say Chance is the cutest doodle I've ever seen! I'm selfishly grateful he is a goldendoodle so that he doesn't reduce the odds of my labradoodle Duncan making it into a calendar. HA! Great photos too! 

At 7:11am on September 27, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

Just let me know if you are ever down this way.

At 5:56pm on September 23, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

Are you thinking of coming down for the Poodle Days in Carmel on Oct. 5th.?  I would love for our guys to meet.  Chance looks just like Harpo (when his hair is a little longer).  Harpo's tail is curved up over his back, but their faces!!!

At 10:26am on September 20, 2013, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer.  I have done a lot of research and will be doing more. Funny, I always start out at Cannon, but my gut and the research, sends me back to Nikon.  :)

Love what you have done with your photos.  I appreciate all that you submit.

Thanks again

I have one thought on the 7000 vs 7100 as to the speedflash.  I may be reading this wrong but it seems like one of the improvements ( there is not much difference) is that the flash has improved so purchasing a speedflash is  not as necessary.  Dunno?   Still trying to figure it all out

At 7:46am on September 19, 2013, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
Hi DJ ,
I'm researching to purchase a new camera. I'm asking a few of my favorite photographers what camera they use on my most admired photos. You are number two on my favorite list.
Can you give me some info on what you are using?
Thanks, Joanne

DJ & Chance's Blog

The truth about my visit with Cheryl and Laurie

Posted on July 21, 2014 at 9:30pm 30 Comments

I posted this initially in Laurie's latest blog but feared the truth would get lost there.  So read Laurie's blog and then read this if you want to know what really happened.  In that blog, she spun an elaborate theory about my untrue identity as Doris Day.


Meeting with Cheryl and Laurie was such a treat, but I confess that I worried a lot about Laurie.  She kept calling me…


My favorite toys!

Posted on October 27, 2013 at 6:19pm 28 Comments

I have lots of toys that I like to play with, and my human mom thought I should share some of my favorite toys with my doodle buddies.  At first, I imagined a thousand doodles in my yard, but mom said that my sharing could be done virtually. Whew!  I have lots of toys but not nearly enough to share with a thousand doodles!


One of my all time favorite toys is my…


Happy Birthday to Me

Posted on August 4, 2013 at 8:00am 28 Comments


Today is my first birthday! Its been fun growing up thus far, and my mom said that today, for my birthday, I will get special presents and treats.  She wasn't even very grumpy when I woke her up early, eager to begin my special day.



Rainy Day Puppy Blues

Posted on January 26, 2013 at 2:07pm 25 Comments

Another weekend arrived with lots of wet, sloppy rain.  

I’m a mud puppy at heart, but my mom is not overly fond of this trait and decided to try and entertain me inside instead. 


I played with lots of toys, but these are not as interesting as grass and sticks and the smells of the outdoors.…



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