Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The other night I was washing blueberries when Vern and Fudge came around to see if something good was happening.  I never feed them from the table, but I took two blueberries and gave them each one.  Now, when I say I gave them each one, I mean Vern stood and looked at me like, “what am I supposed to do with this blue thing?”  Fudge took it gingerly in her mouth and decided to take her newfound treat to the dining room just in case Vern was hot on her tail.  Vern was still back in the kitchen deciding whether or not I was trying to poison him or if this was April Fools Day!  Once he saw that Fudge was interested in her blueberry, he decided to give it a shot and took the blueberry from me as if I had just handed him a loaded gun. He promptly ran into the dining room and spit it on the floor. From there, both dogs decided a better place to eat a blueberry would be in the sunroom and picked their bounty up and ran out the door only to spit it on the carpet out there.  I was envisioning having to get the carpet cleaned by the time each of them downed one stinking blueberry.

Fudge finally ate her new treat, but Vern decided there were some things he absolutely refused to swallow and lo and behold, it was a blueberry.  Who knew the dog that eats mud, grass, goose poop, and Kleenex had a discerning palate?  I guess he had to draw the line somewhere.  Luckily, Fudge decided one blueberry was not enough and was more than happy to eat Vern’s.  Fudge has the body of someone who loves fruits and vegetables.  Vern’s body is more of a meat and cheese kind of shape.  I think Vern takes after me, because I like my blueberries with a little sugar on them or with ice cream or even surrounded by a muffin.  Unfortunately for Vern, I have to draw the line somewhere, too. 


Is there some food or treat that your dog surprisingly will not eat?

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Whew!  I did think this was going to be a colorful story--glad you escaped the blueberry mess.  I could just see F&V trying to decide exactly what to do with those little round blue things.

Trav is very polite and will take almost anything I give him.  If it's something odd to him, he'll just carry it away and spit it out in a different room.  He doesn't like bananas, but blueberries are fine.  :)

Pat, No mess for once :) At least Vern didn't roll in it. LOL What a good boy Trav is nice he spits it out in another room just in case you don't like spitting :)

Finnley will not eat cantaloupe, or any kind plain noodles. Like Vern, poop of most varieties, all paper products, and any unidentified surprise found on the floor !

LOL...cantaloupe may put Vern over the edge, but I bet he would eat a noodle :)

Sadie will eat every fruit on the face of this earth.Blueberries and raspberries are a big favourite.However she will not touch celery.Puts it in her mouth and then spits it out immediately.

How funny about the celery! I guess they know what they like!

Boris loves blueberries and banana while Riley sniffs, takes one in his mouth and I find it either intact or having been trod on somewhere around the house. He won't touch banana and has to have a good sniff at everything before he gently takes it from me. Boris loves everything and I mean everything lol

Cute story about Fudge and Vern :) Lucy is much like Vern when it comes to unfamiliar fruits and veggies. Even though she's svelte and athletic, she's very skeptical of anything raw and plant like. She does like apple, though, and her least favorite veggie is broccoli. Oscar, on the other hand, will eat ANYTHING you offer him (although there's quite a limit to what I've offered him!).

I wonder if the home cooking and raw diets besides kibble has rounded my two out as far as liking all foods? Hummmmm. But both have always been very zealous eaters no matter what it is. When I cooked , a lot more than I do now, for them, I'd watch them inhale their meal and think " geez, I spent hours chopping, cooking and packaging that, at least have the decency to taste it". Lol

LOL Thank you for the cute story.


Guss' eating style is "If you toss it he will swallow it", there is no taste savoring involved.  If I try to hand it to him he does just about the same thing, so fingers beware!  Fozzie MUST smell everything before putting it in his mouth.  He even sniffs ice cubes!  It doesn't matter how many times I say "its they're the same brand as the one you just ate", he still must siffle.  Shaggy is in between the I'll eat everything and I'll eat only what the nose approves.  He does like to play with his food before deciding if it is ediable.  He takes it from place to place dropping it each time and looking at it as if to see if it is any better to eat in this new place. 



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