Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As most people know on this site, Vern is a roller. He rolls in almost anything. Right now, our yard is covered in oak tree droppings (catkins).  Fudge and Vern go out and play and come back full of these things :(  Sadly, Vern almost always has something hanging off of him, but Fudge is harder to catch with a dirty mug.  Let's see some pictures of your dog' s dirty mugs. Here are my two:



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Oh boy, Laurie... I know those "oak tree droplings" all too well (just never knew the actual NAME of them)... On her face, tracks them in on her feet, tail, happens to be under the trees to pee and they fall on her.  Then when I try and get them off, they crush into her hair... UGH! Can't wait for all of this to pass!
DH doesn't let them get too dirty...he was at work and she went dirt diving in the snow! Look at that smile too!
Very cute!
Mud season never ends where I live...and Lyric finds it all.
Muddy doodle and looks like she did find something.
Those are some muddy feet!
Thankfully Cooper is dirt coloured so always looks pretty clean!!!! (but i know she isnt really)
That is like Fudge and then you rinse her off and see what is in that hair...LOL!

I can do better than a photo... LOL


Darwin had so much fun!!! Mom can just scream!!! I wonder if how you took him home in your car......
rinsed him off in a pond then stuck him on towels. :-)
OMD, I know it's worth it to let them experience it - you can just see the joy in his face. I let Daisy go in the river  two weekends ago and she was just as joyful....we had Daddy's car - ha ha



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