Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has been something that has bothered me for a LONG time now. So this is somewhat of a rant

People will buy fake service dog vests from online sources, and then take their pet into stores with them. Even people who use their therapy dog vests to pass their dog as a service dog bug me. There was a woman trying to take in her St Bernard to a walmart, stating that he was a therapy dog for "severe melancholy"....

I have read a lot about issues that real service dogs have getting into places, because of these people. Basically, someone will take in a dog who is NOT a legitimate service animal, then the dog will cause problems or disruptions because it is a pet, and not as well trained as a legitimate service animal. Then the owner will not want to allow in any service dogs in the future, and even though they are required, will be more difficult or try to avoid allowing it. 

Do you know anyone who does this? I know a woman who adopted a 6 month old black lab from the shelter last year. She purchased a service dog vest online and takes him everywhere with her, claiming he's a real service dog. This dog is not well trained, will react to other dogs, kids, cats, etc. And barks when he's in public places. Basically, he actually creates disturbances. She does have a disability, she has Parkinson's disease, an uncommon form of it. She told me she uses him to pull herself up when she falls. That is the only service he performs aside from companionship. The point is that when out in public, the dog doesn't aid her. In fact he's a hindrance because she constantly has to control/drag him away from whatever he's reacting to.

She posted a status today about how annoyed she was with a man trying to pass his little toy breed off as a service dog. She said she confronted him because it's just wrong. She doesn't see that she does the same thing??? I want so badly to tell her off/confront her but I'm too much of a wimp to do so. Is there a good way for store owners to distinguish between a legitimate service dog and these false online certifications?

Have any of you come across someone who does this?

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I think this is a valid use of the 'fake' badges.  Exposure is everything and without it, you don't know if your dog would be good at it and the dog wouldn't get over their little foibles.

I think if they are in training its ok - how else are they going to get exposed to the situations they need to practice in

I'm sorry if I offended anyone about the people who use the handicapped stickers.  I am sure that there are many people with handicaps that cannot be seen just by looking.  Thanks for the reminder.  I do know people, though, who joke about grabbing their grandma's, grandpa's...whoever's handicapped sticker thing & stick it on their rearview mirror just to get good parking spots when they are not even taking them.  They just use the sticker.  I don't think that's right.  I definitely understand those people using the sticker because they are transporting the person.  I get that.  I just get sick of people who abuse does make me suspicious of everyone because of it.  I guess it's none of my business, though, and I'll keep that in mind!

My dad did this when my mom had hurt her leg and they got a temporary one. He would use it when she wasn't with him and when she was better. It drove me nuts. I would get so mad at him. For heaven's sake, God gave us two working legs and we should use them as often as we can. When the parking lot is busy I automatically go straight to the back and find a spot. I cannot be bothered circling even for one second.

I honestly think this is one reason why obesity is so rampant; people just do not want to walk one step more than is absolutely necessary. The funniest thing to me is when there is an open parking space let's say five spaces down the row, and there is someone about to pull out of the third spot, some people will sit there and wait for that third spot rather than just pull into the open space two car widths further away! It's as if they get some kind of prize or award for getting the closest space! LOL

This is one of my pet peeves, too.  What difference does it make whether you're 10 slots away or clear across the parking lot? 

I do the same...Id rather park and walk for 5 seconds longer uick than circle 

unfortunately alot of people do abuse the system. i was not offended by your comments at all, i totally agree

All this reminds me of a story with my mother. She was in her 80s and had some difficulty walking. She also was beginning to be very forgetful, to be kind. I took her to my son's college graduation, which she really wanted to be attend. The guard in the near parking lot told us we had to park clear across the campus, a very long walk and impossible for her. I told him that was fine but that I'd need to leave my mother with him but he had to keep an eye on her since she might wander off, which was true. So needless to say he decided he could spare a spot in the near lot for us.

No offense taken here, either, Traci, but it is important for people to realize that not all disabilities are visible. My ex wore a full body brace that extended from his armpits to below his hips. When he wore a coat you couldn't see it, and even he was occasionally questioned about using the handicapped space, which greatly pained and embarrassed him. Yes, there are lots of people who abuse the system, but I just feel it's better to give someone the benefit of the doubt than to risk humiliating someone who already feels bad enough about having to use the handicapped parking spaces.


Here's another thought about those who abuse the handicapped parking: Karma will take care of them. Maybe if people pretend to be handicapped when they really aren't, the universe will give them a legitimate reason to park in the handicapped spaces.

That's an interesting take. I left a half time job a number of years ago with lots of sick days unused. Sadly, unlike some public workers around here, I did not get a bundle of money for this. But I always felt if I used sick days when I wasn't sick that would result in illness. I knew better than that but I love what we call magical thinking : ) Sometimes it keeps us on the straight and narrow path.



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