Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was discharged from the hospital today. I still have fevers but the work up is over for now. There is no other source of infection in my body. If my fever doesn't break soon we know it is the device in my heart. I have had every kind of catscan, MRI, Xray and culture at the off chance that there was an infection I had that was not showing up.

It was our sincere hope we would find something..but nothing. nothing hurts me. My lungs are behaving etc.

The plan now is for me to go home, stay on the one antibiotic that is thought to be effective and pray that the fevers go away. It is a waiting game at this point. I am on high doses of steroids that are starting to be tapered which might give the fever a chance to come out even more if the fever is going to.

If the fever goes up or doesn't quit we will need to pursue more testing toward my heart. They have not wanted to do anything invasive on me including testing that would even confirm infection on the heart.

They had wanted to do a PET scan but that test is ineffective when you are on steroids because it inhibits the uptake of glucose which is the bases of the test.

So. Let me just say. There has been a lot of talk of my odds of surviving a surgery. I will not listen to that CRAP any more. I have told my doctors and I will tell anyone else who says to me they don't think I am a good surgical candidate..BACK OFF you don't know me, my stubbornness or my God. I hope and I pray that I don't need to have that surgery but I will not fear it and I will not for one minute think about my odds, so please don't you either.....

I am a stubborn, stubborn, stubborn girl and I always get what I want... and I want to do well if I have to have it so I will.... Thank you to so many of you on here, and so many of my Paw Pad Family I have plenty of money to travel to the best hospital around to have the surgery if it needs to occur. Again my heart felt prayer, and begging of God is that this fever just goes away on the medication but I will not live in fear. Open heart surgery is nothing to sneeze at but nothing to fear when it has a chance to make you better...

So that said....Fevers BE GONE.....

Jack is at my mom's. Since my discharge to home is contingent on me not spiking fevers and since my mom is 2 1/2 hours away I am leaving Jack there for the week. I don't like it, but it is best for him to have stability. He is very very attached to my mom and Molly and when I bring him home I want to have a little more assurance that it is going to be for good or at least a long time. I can't keep driving back and fourth and I can't keep dragging him around.

I talk to my mom several times a day, she is not coming up to be with me now, she is very tired and burnt out, she is overwhelmed and she needs to take care of herself and the dogs.

Thank God I have amazing friends that I work/worked with and they have set up people to be with me. When I was in the hospital all I had to do was call and they arranged it for me, I had someone sleep with me at the hospital to distract me. Being alone is hard for me at the moment for a lot of reasons mostly because I think too much.

I received from my breeder today the names of everyone who has contributed to my funds and I am so overwhelmed and so grateful. I am personally working on cards for you to send to my breeder to mail out with the magnets.

Sorry for those who were excluded from it, I don't think the intention was to put it on here and since my breeder breeds goldendoodles, the magnet was for Golden Doodles YET so many of you contributed anyway.

My heart is so full....full of love NOT INFECTION. My body and soul is filled with HOPE not disease and my mind is filled with PEACE not fear.

I will be posting soon before you know it about Jack..bringing him home, about a million other questions I have.. but for now I just wanted to give you an update... and a big huge hug and say I am grateful for ever kind word, kind thought from those who are not praying people, prayers from those who are. Ever deed word and thought fills me right up..

I am so happy to be home in my own bed. I have friends taking turns staying from my neighborhood and church and work. So I am well taken care of.

Please pray my fevers away!!

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Dear Jesus,

I pray for Jennifer this very day. Please heal her, sustain her and strengthen her. Please make the fever to go away and give her body the rest it needs to heal. You are a God of healing and we ask that for Jennifer today.

In Jesus' name we pray.


There is never a better place to be than your own home.  Rest and get better - we continue to pray for you!

Stubborn is GOOD! You are blessed because you are a blessing and I am thinking of you and only hoping for the very best for you.  I wish I was closer but I have to send virtual hugs and kisses and as many prayers as this non praying person can muster!

It's great to hear that you're home, Jennifer!  Here's hoping things continue to improve.

Throwing prayers up!  Welcome home and please, stay there!!!!

So happy to hear you are home. We will send the fever busters your way!

Oh so very glad you are home!  Let us hope that you get some time to get settled and this nasty infection/fever phase goes away and stays away.  So sorry you aren't able to get Jack back right away, it's probably a good idea to let him stay with you mom for the time being.

We are still thinking of you every day.  Keep your chin up!  Better days ahead.

GO AWAY, FEVER!!!!   Alway rooting for you, Jennifer.  Can hardly wait til you and Jack are back together, at home, healthy and happy.  Stay strong!

So glad to hear you are home.... one day at a time and yes, you are STRONG!  

Which is Thai for "Hope you get well soon. Be free from all illness"

Happy to hear you're home Jennifer. I hope and pray you get to stay a little longer this time. :-)

I am so sorry to hear of all you are going through. Life is not fair. Big, big (((HUGS))) to you.



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