Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Poor Bailey is losing her puppy teeth right and left.  The other day she lost both upper large canines.  then yesterday it was a back tooth.  And just now we were playing frisbee ane I noticed her mouth was bleeding...And  there goes another one.  This time it's her lower large canine.  Her poor gums are so swollen and you can see the new teeht coming in.


Should I be concerned about all the teeth she is losing at once or is this a normal " puppy tooth" faze?




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You might put a wet wash cloth in the freezer and then give it to Bailey to chew on.
Poor baby!!! I think the washcloth idea is the best.
Ahhh, poor little girl.  I remember when L&S were loosing their puppy teeth, we were finding teeth everywhere.

It's very normal for puppies to have that happen. We used to notice teeth everywhere. Wet frozen washcloth is a good idea. We did that with Ollie.


Yes, normal! It happens very fast! We once had a puppy reunion for my female's litter of 5 boys--they were  four months old and as they played, their teeth kept falling out so that each time they came back to their owners from playing, another tooth would be gone! Within a week, new teeth will be in in the front, but canines take longer.
We are finding teeth and blood everywhere at the moment too.  Riley took  borrowed one of my bra's yesterday and when I got it back it was covered in blood...yuk!  My partner collected some teeth and said perhaps it's time for the Doggie tooth fairy?
Im kinda jealous - we never found any of Coopers teeth

It's really kind of gross.  Her poor little mouth bleeds like crazy.  The other day we were playing with one of her toys in the livingroom and one popped out and went sliding across the floor leaving a trail of blood....YUCK : )


Last night she lost another one...6 teeth in 3 days. 

This might sound awful, but right now I would be grateful for a bit of toothlessness!!  I'm looking forward to the end of razor sharp puppy teeth! I think that puppy biting is under control and then  suddenly Zach the Land Shark returns!!!!
We found ours pretty regularly for a couple weeks, but that sounds like a bad time for her. Hope it gets better.
Poor Bailey! I've been wondering the same thing about Scarlett. She has lost six teeth just this past week and I'm still finding more. My daughter collected a few of the teeth and took them to school for show-n-tell!



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