Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rooney's favorite was the wrapping paper - lol!  He had never opened a present before and did such a good job.  I just love how he uses his paws like little hands.  It was too cute.  The gift he loved the best was a plastic shaped bone that smells like peanut butter.  When you move it around it makes this weird sliding whoopy cushion type sound that is never the same twice.  He is going nuts for it.  So what was your Doodles fav gift?

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We gave Phoebe three things this year--a giant red/white striped Zebra flattie, a huge flat, fuzzy bear and a rubbery giant Christmas bear.  A favorite?  Hard to tell as she keeps taking them all and laying on them!  She did bring me the bear twice so maybe he has a slight advantage over the others.
Dexter got a new white bone and Kirby got a new squeeky ball.  Both are very happy with their gifts :)

Wrapping paper for sure... Tori kept stealing  pieces and stashing them in her hiding place under the dining room table... I guess we'll see today what she actually ate... will 'santa' come 'out' or will it be the stripes of red and green from another package?? LOl

Actually ~ my MIL gave her a talking ball - she's not sure what to make of it, but she pounces on it so I think she finds it entertaining!

Our Tory received a long legged reindeer furry squeaky toy. She lovies playing with it.

She is opening her last gift this morning. Rec from this site "Hide the Squirrels " toy.



Was that the one that makes a honking noise and has a santa hat from Petco? Sunny has had two of those and loved them both until they tore apart and she started pulling out the stuffing.
I think the favorite for both our doodles is the toys with water bottles in them.  I had been giving them a water bottle in a soccer sock but heard of some toys with the replaceable water bottles inside.  They love the crunching sound.  They also loved the new antlers and balls.
Roo has a fox like this and he loves that toy.  When the water bottle does't crunch as much - just put a new one in.
Haley got a bear with water bottle inside.  He loved the crunching noise so much that in one hour he had chewed a couple of holes in the bear to chew the water bottle up.  I took the water bottle out and trashed it.  Haley then proceeded to chew up the velco closure.  Needless to say the toy has been thrown away.
Tori had one of these too a while ago - it was made of indestructible fire hose material... NOT... threw it out in about 30 minutes... maybe now that she's older, and doesn't chew as much, maybe it may last????

KoKo and Maggie got Hide-a-Bee, antlers, and Hide-an-Egg Platypus (sp) but I think the antlers win. Although they each have one right now they somehow want the same one.  They look like they're kissing when they both have an end in their mouth and tug.


Rosie got Hide-a-squirrel and loves it.  We had all three dogs here yesterday along with three kids.  Noisy but fun and the dogs were very well behaved.

Darwin loved opening his gifts too! He got a buster cube type toy (treat or food dispensing) that he has been LOVING!

We gave Murphy and Marley the buster cube last Christmas and it's still as good as the day we got it. Marley took right to it and can even carry it in his mouth. Murphy is more a "I'll just let you do the work and I'll walk behind you and pick up the kibble" kind of participant.  Therefore he hasn't had to figure it out for himself.  Bella, like Marley, went right at it and it keeps them busy for a good amount of time.  A little noisy on tile, but I think thats half the fun for them!



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