Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Darwin is such a joy to have, and he's usually amazingly well behaved. Very easy to train laid back, doesn't bark, etc. But he certainly has his dark side, and I am always taken off guard when it surfaces! Here are a couple of his not-so-choice habits.

If I ever walk in on him chewing something he shouldn't have, he immediately flops down and pretends to be asleep, Trying to make it look like was never interested in said object. It's so hilarious that I can't stay upset for long.

He has never counter surfed but is a notorious knee-surfer. Just tonight I was curled up on the couch eating some tortillas I had made and I had them propped on my knee while I was typing something. He snuck up very quietly and as soon as I looked the other direction, went in for the kill. He delicately grabbed the stack with his teeth and slid them off my knee. I told him to drop it and then all of a sudden he acted like he wasn't interested in them at all.

Sneaky sneaky dog! Do any of your doodles act like precious angles one minutes and crazy demons the next? Do they deviously try and fool you like Darwin does?

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Who ME? I just happened on this mess. It must be your OTHER dog.
Exactly! He tried to blame it on my husband Jacob, but I wasn't fooled. :-)
he looks so sweet and innocent. Maybe a stranger dog snuck in and did this while Darwin was quietly asleep like a little angel???? No??? Okay then, Still can't scold such a cute face.

When Murphy is chewing something he's not supposed to and is caught, he drops it and runs to get a toy to bring me. As tho he wants to distract me or change the subject....Or maybe it's a way of saying..."here, I'll give you one of my things for one of yours" ? Who know's?
OMG, that is hilarious. I've been there and done that and have pic's and list of destruction on my post. They are just too darn cute to stay mad at. You'll outright catch them in the act and they stop and look at you like we are crazy!
ha ha and look at the pork chop squeaky toy, not a tooth mark on it.
Oh yes, angel to devil in a matter of seconds. Good thing they're so adorable.
Loved this.... it looks like my livingroom..constant white stuffing from toys ripped open... and toilet paper or kleenex boxes destroyed.... I have a picture of my livingroom floor on my page like this and the guilty look of both my dogs after the fact, sitting there guilty....

Cagney does these things when he is left behind... not allowed to go in the van ...or when you have to go to work .... eating up the other dogs food when you are not looking but will not do it if you are watching... they know... they are smart ..... my x-mas tree is short on ornaments after Cagney chowed down on some... but of course he doesn't go near the tree when you are home.....

I really enjoyed your pics! Diana
I love that Darwin pretends to be asleep. That's hilarious! I agree with what others have posted - they are too cute to stay mad at.
These pictures are priceless!!! He is so cute! Timbow does this too! One day I came home from work and he had pulled all the stuffing out of the bed in his crate! I couldn't be mad because he was so cute sitting in all the white fluff!
How can an angel like that cause such destruction!?! He looks just like Max..way too cute for his own good!
Eva, yep! Hes like "Pork chop? Not interested. Toilet paper, I'm in!"

I have never gotten Darwin a real doggy bed (we just stack a bunch of his blankets in his crate) for fear that he will de-stuff it within the first few days.

Darwin consumed an ornament or two as well! I got suspicious when his poop was "decorated" with orange glitter. Luckily they weren't glass... just those decorative twiggy things... crazy dogs! You have to love them though...
Oh! sneaky devil! But he's so cute! And if he could talk, he'd say... HUH? What are you talking about I don't see anything LOL



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