Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone started teaching their puppy how to swim? And if so how did you start? I bought a plastic kiddy pool but my 9 week old puppy has absolutely no interest in it

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We bought a kiddy pool too and my 10 month old doodle thinks it's a large drinking bowl. I can sometimes entice him to stand in it, but that's it.
Murphy ran into a little pond on a golf course at 3 months old and just took off swimming. Only for a few minutes as mommy was a little nervous. Next exposure was rivers and streams at 4-5months old, loved to splash, but none ever deeper than his shoulders, so no swimming. Then at 5-6 months old we took him everyday to the beach. April was very stormy and there were lots of waves, so he'd run to the shoreline, but not go in once a wave would crash. Finally in May, hubby carried him in, held him under his belly and let him get used to the waves, and once he took off, there was no stopping him.. we love to watch him jump over the waves to get into the water, do body surfing back to shore on a big wave and chase balls, frisbees and other dogs in water.

Next was a pool and learning to go down steps, swim and go back to steps when tired, and then jumping to retrieve. Now the problem is keeping him OUT of the water!!!!!

Have noticed that he will sink if too tired and it scared me once and I almost bought a life jacket. I never take my eyes off of him when in the water. Just like a with a child.
So I wonder if I should just keep putting her in it so she gets used to the feel of water. She does the same thing as your doodles, she uses it as a giant water dish! My problem is I live in Tucson where there is no water... Anywhere. We also don't own a pool, but we have access to one that isn't heated. Even though its 100 degrees outside the pool is still REALLY cold and I don't want to shock her when I put her in! Is she old enough to be put in a pool at 9 weeks?
We will be back in Phoenix in Oct. so I do understand. Looking for a house there, never have had or wanted a pool with any of our other houses. Now that we have a swimming doodle....guess house HAS to have a pool!!!! I bet a pool won;t be cold for long if it
I remember reading somewhere that it is not recommended to bathe a young puppy. Not sure when it's safe for them to swim....good question. Maybe someone has that info.

My Gracie just waded into water the first few times that she saw it. Then one day someone threw a toy into a lake for a lab to retreive. She flew in after that toy and before she could think about it she was off the bottom and swimming. I can't keep her out of the water now, even the baby pools that they put out at doggie daycare on really hot days!
My husband took Macey, who is 9 months old, swimming for the first time this past weekend. She's always been interested in water (bathtub, hose, etc), but before recently, it had been too chilly for her to go into the rivers or lakes around us. She started out just walking in shallow water, then he threw a ball for her to fetch. Each time, he threw the ball a little further out and she began swimming out to get it. I'm still a little nervous about it, but we just have to keep a very close eye on her!
I think 9 weeks and cold water is not a very good combination. Wait until August when your puppy is older and the water is warmer. In the meantime you can have water fun in the tub with room temperature water. You can feed her little treats as she stands in a couple of inches and teach her to splash in the water coming out of the spout. Gradually increase the depth in the tub. Both poodles and retreivers are water dogs. Last summer my 8 month old was in the pool anytime I gave him the opportunity and my younger 3 month to 5 month (by August) old was not even slightly interested. I expect this year they will both go in the pool, although the younger one has not shown much interest yet, even though the older one has been swimming ( in very cold water) many times already.



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